Misleading Virus Video, Pushed By the Trumps, Spreads Online

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: In a video posted Monday online, a group of people calling themselves “America’s Frontline Doctors” and wearing white medical coats spoke against the backdrop of the Supreme Court in Washington, sharing misleading claims about the virus, including that hydroxychloroquine was an effective coronavirus treatment and that masks did not slow…

Americans Don’t Trust Content Decisions Made By Social Media Giants, Study Says

Most Americans don’t trust social media companies to police the content on their platforms, according to a poll published Tuesday from Gallup and the Knight Foundation. CNET reports: The poll found that 80% of Americans don’t trust big tech companies to make the right decisions about what content appears on their sites and what should be removed. People, especially conservatives, trust…

FCC Republican Voices Doubts About Trump’s Executive Order

Republican Federal Communications Commissioner Mike O’Rielly said he’s unsure whether his agency has the authority to carry out President Trump’s executive order targeting tech firms’ legal protections. From a report: Trump’s order seeks to have the FCC craft regulations limiting the scope of legal immunity that online platforms have under federal law. All three commission Republicans would need to support such…

Trump To Order Review of Law Protecting Social Media Firms After Twitter Spat

President Trump will sign an executive order later today that mandates a review of a law that shields companies like Twitter, Google and Facebook from being held liable for the content appearing on their platforms after fact checks for the first time were added to two of his tweets. From a news report: The executive order Trump is expected to sign…

Facebook Says It Won’t Back Down From Allowing Lies in Political Ads

Facebook said on Thursday that it would not make any major changes to its political advertising policies, which allow lies in ads, despite pressure from lawmakers who say the company is abdicating responsibility for what appears on its platform. The New York Times: The decision, which company executives had telegraphed in recent months, is likely to harden criticism of Facebook’s political…

Thousands of Bots Are Retweeting Claims of Voter Fraud In Kentucky

“It’s deeply concerning to see shady coordinated disinformation campaigns trying to undermine our democracy,” says the man who apparently defeated Kentucky’s Republican governor Bevin in a close election last Tuesday. The New York Times reports on what happened in the hours after Twitter user “Overlordkraken1” decided to tweet to his 19 followers that he’d “just shredded a box of Republican mail-in…

Google Criticized For Vulnerability That Can Trick Its AI Into Deactivating Accounts

In July Google was sued by Tulsi Gabbard, one of 23 Democrats running for president, after Google mistakenly suspended her advertising account. “I believe I can provide assistance on where to focus your discovery efforts,” posted former YouTube/Google senior software engineer Zach Vorhies (now a harsh critic of Google’s alleged bias against conservatives). He says he witnessed the deactivation of another…

White House Proposal Would Have FCC and FTC Police Alleged Social Media Censorship

A draft executive order from the White House could put the Federal Communications Commission in charge of shaping how Facebook, Twitter and other large tech companies curate what appears on their websites, CNN reported Friday, citing multiple people familiar with the matter. From the report: The draft order, a summary of which was obtained by CNN, calls for the FCC to…

Critics Call White House Social Media Bias Survey A ‘Data Collection Ploy’

An anonymous reader quotes the Washington Post:
Venky Ganesan, a partner at technology investor Menlo Ventures, told The Washington Post that the White House’s new survey about bias on social media is “pure kabuki theatre” and an attempt to curry political points with conservatives. He said the Trump administration’s repeated accusations that tech companies censor conservative voices are unfounded because even though…

Donald Trump spent Saturday retweeting far-right personalities. Then he told them they’re right.

Source: https://www.vox.com/2019/5/4/18529468/donald-trump-twitter-facebook-ban-far-right…