Software Freedom Conservancy: Microsoft Should Resign from RIAA Over Youtube-DL Takedown Demand

“We believe that youtube-dl has substantial non-infringing uses,” argues the non-profit Software Freedom Conservancy. But while that software faces a DMCA takedown notice from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), GitHub’s owner Microsoft is also a paying member of the RIAA. The Software Freedom Conservancy argues that this leaves Microsoft “stuck between their industry association’s abuses of the law and…

House Democrats Tackle Big Tech ‘Monopolies’

The House Judiciary Committee says Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google are monopolies — but its new plan to rein in their power won’t change anything overnight. Instead, Democratic lawmakers propose to rewrite American antitrust law in order to restructure the U.S.’s most successful and powerful industry over time. From a report: The report is a long pass down the field of…

Anti-Piracy Outfit Hires VPN Expert To Help Track Down The Pirate Bay

Movie companies and their anti-piracy partners are pressing ahead with their legal action to track down The Pirate Bay. The site reportedly used VPN provider OVPN, which carries no logs, but a security expert — one that regularly penetration tests several major VPN providers — believes that information about the notorious site could still be obtained. TorrentFreak reports: After a period…

Why Did a Tech Executive Install 1,000 Security Cameras Around San Francisco?

The New York Times explains why Chris Larsen installed over a thousand surveillance cameras around San Francisco to monitor 135 city blocks:
It sounds sinister. A soft-spoken cryptocurrency mogul is paying for a private network of high-definition security cameras around the city. Zoom in and you can see the finest details: the sticker on a cellphone, the make of a backpack,…