Astronomers’ success: Seven new cosmic masers

A group of astronomers from Toruń in Poland have successfully completed a survey of the Milky Way plane. They searched for gas clouds, where there was a maser reinforcement of the OH molecule. They saw seven new sources – each of them brings scientists closer to the process by which massive stars are born. “It is like listening to the buzzing…

Ticketmaster To Require Negative COVID-19 Test Or Vaccination To Attend Concerts

Ticketmaster is planning to check the coronavirus vaccination status of concert-goers prior to shows once a treatment is approved. The New York Post reports: The ticketing giant plans to have customers use their cellphones to verify their inoculation or whether they’ve tested negative for the virus within a 24- to 72-hour window, according to the exclusive report. The plan, which is…

Antitrust Investigations and Policy Towards China: How Biden’s Victory Impacts Tech

Adweek has published an article titled “What to Expect: How a Biden Administration Would Tackle Tech Policy.” Some of the highlights: Industry observers have told us they don’t expect a change-of-guard to upend the Google lawsuit brought by the Justice Department in concert with 11 state attorneys general over the company’s search advertising hegemony. Indeed, we could see a spate of…