Why ‘Ambient Computing’ Is Just A Marketing Buzzword — For Now

An anonymous reader quotes Computerworld columnist Mike Elgan: Ambient computing is real. It’s the next megatrend in computing…. To interact in an “ambient computing” context means to not care and not even necessarily know where exactly the devices are that you’re interacting with. When IoT devices and sensors are all around us, and artificial intelligence can understand human contexts for what’s…

Facebook’s Photorealistic Simulator For AI Runs At 10,000 FPS

malachiorion writes:
Facebook just open sourced a simulator for testing and training embodied AI systems — like virtual robots. They worked with AR/VR researchers to release the simulator along with what they say are the most photorealistic 3D reconstructions of real world places available. [Facebook Reality Labs have named this “the Replica data set”.] The crazy part: Because more frames are always…

Security Cameras + AI = Dawn of Non-Stop Robot Surveillance

AmiMoJo shared this post from one of the ACLU’s senior technology policy analysts about what happens when security cameras get AI upgrades: [I]magine that all that video were being watched — that millions of security guards were monitoring them all 24/7. Imagine this army is made up of guards who don’t need to be paid, who never get bored, who never…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – May 2019

By Kyle Clark, Enterprise Content Expert Our new course list for the month of May includes over 30 courses in key topics including computer vision, continuous integration, and learning transfer, which is particularly relevant for Learning and Development professionals. Here are our top 5 courses for May: Data Modeling and Regression Analysis in Business, University […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

Google Glass Gets a Surprise Upgrade and New Frames

Google just unveiled its newest version of Glass. It’s not made to be a widespread consumer product, but there are business users who will care. And the latest Glass Enterprise Edition 2, with key upgraded specs, shows where most smartglasses are at. From a report: You might remember Glass as a strange 2013 footnote, but Glass has stuck around: it became…

Engineers Develop Colorful Printed Patch That Hides People From AI

A group of engineers from the University of KU Leuven in Belgium have come up with a solution to make users invisible to one specific algorithm. “In a paper shared last week on the preprint server arXiv, these students show how simple printed patterns can fool an AI system that’s designed to recognize people in images,” reports The Verge. From the…

Computer Vision Specialization Q&A with SUNY Buffalo and MathWorks

Answering your most pressing questions about the new Computer Vision Specialization on Coursera are Radhakrishna Dasari, Computer Science and Engineering Instructor and Dr. Junsong Yuan, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Director of the Visual Computing Lab from the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. An integral part of this […]
The post Computer Vision Specialization Q&A…

One Month, 500,000 Face Scans: How China Is Using A.I. to Profile a Minority

In a major ethical leap for the tech world, Chinese start-ups have built algorithms that the government uses to track members of a largely Muslim minority group. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/14/technology/china-surveillance-artificial-intelligence-racial-profiling.html?partner=rss&emc=rss…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – February and March 2019

We launched 97 new courses in February and March of this year, including 13 courses in Arabic, 10 in Spanish, and 11 in Russian. Here are our top ten courses in English from the past two months: AI For Everyone, deeplearning.ai – AI is not only for engineers. If you want your organization to become […]
The post What’s new on…

Wheels: Eyes on the Road! (Your Car Is Watching)

As more technology creeps into the front seat to help drivers, so too will systems that eavesdrop on and monitor them. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/28/business/autonomous-cars-technology-privacy.html?partner=rss&emc=rss