How To Make Compost

We probably don’t need to tell you the benefits of compost for your soil. With a few easy steps you can grow bigger healthier plants and save your scraps from being turned into garbage. Plus, composting gives you the opportunity to see exactly what is going into your fertilizer. So enrich your soil, plants, and life…Continue Reading
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Growing Food From Scraps

Did you know that 1/3 of all the food globally is wasted? Yes, it is! 1.3 billion tons gets lost or wasted or not consumed. And only a small percentage of that waste can be diverted for composting. Compost will help lessen these waste but did you know that there is a better way to save food?…Continue Reading
The post Growing Food From Scraps…

Washington Becomes First State To Legalize Human Composting

Governor Jay Inslee signed legislation Tuesday making Washington the first state to approve composting as an alternative to burying or cremating human remains. The Associated Press reports: It allows licensed facilities to offer “natural organic reduction,” which turns a body, mixed with substances such as wood chips and straw, into about two wheelbarrows’ worth of soil in a span of several…

Biodegradable Bags Buried for 3 Years Are Still Usable

Olivia Rosane – Are biodegradable consumer products a sham? Source:…

DIY composting

There are some pretty ingenious ideas in this article about DIY compost bins. I’ve actually done several of these and am still using them.  I use a DIY compost bucket in the kitchen, made from an old butter tub.  At our old house I made my compost bin from salvaged pallets.  I used old coat… Continue reading DIY composting