Twitter Deletes Over 170,000 Accounts Tied To Chinese Propaganda Efforts

Twitter announced Thursday that it had deleted more than 170,000 accounts tied to a Chinese state-linked operation that were spreading deceptive information around the COVID-19 virus, political dynamics in Hong Kong, and other issues. The Hill reports: Almost 25,000 of the accounts that were deleted formed what Twitter described as the “core network,” while around 150,000 accounts were amplifying messages from…

How China Is Hunting Down Coronavirus Critics

“As China ramps up efforts to control the narrative around the coronavirus outbreak, it is also expanding its efforts to leverage online platforms to track down people who dare to speak out,” reports Vice. “From tracking down Twitter users using their mobile numbers to hacking WeChat accounts to find out someone’s location, Beijing is eager to stop any negative news from…

TikTok Reported Highest Takedown Requests From India and US, Zero From China

hackingbear shares a report from The Verge: TikTok released its first transparency report yesterday, showing which countries have submitted requests for content removal as well as access to user data. China is notably absent from the report — the video sharing app, owned by Chinese tech giant ByteDance, claims it did not receive a single takedown request from Communist Party of…

With Pressure and Persuasion, China Deflects Criticism of Its Camps for Muslims

In the Muslim world, and in Washington and Europe, Beijing uses its economic clout and fears of Islamic radicalism to make its arguments. Source: