Man Sues Patent Office For Deciding an AI Can’t Invent Things

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: A computer scientist who created an artificial intelligence system capable of generating original inventions is suing the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) over its decision earlier this year to reject two patent applications which list the algorithmic system, known as DABUS, as the inventor. The lawsuit is the latest step in an…

Cory Doctorow: ‘Self-Driving Cars are Bullshit’

“Self-driving cars are bullshit,” writes Cory Doctorow:
I’m a science fiction writer, so I quite enjoy thinking about self-driving cars. They make for really interesting analogies about data, liability, self-determination, information security and openness… But I’m a science fiction writer and that means I can tell the difference between “thought experiments” and “real things.” Alas, the same cannot be said of corporate…

Unsubscribe: The $0-Budget Movie That ‘Topped the US Box Office’

An anonymous reader shares a report: In normal times, blockbuster movies usually dominate the box office charts. The big-budget productions, directed by the likes of James Cameron, Steven Spielberg and Ridley Scott, regularly draw the biggest crowds at cinemas across the US and beyond. But on 10 June, one box office-topping movie was watched by just two people, in one cinema….

Interview with the Science Writer Who Predicted the Pandemic 8 Years Ago

In 1945, after atomic bomb detonations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, several former Manhattan Project scientists founded the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Publishing continuously since 1945, its current deputy editor, science writer DanDrollette, is also a Slashdot reader, and shared one of the nonprofit magazine’s thought-provoking new interviews:
In 2012, author David Quammen wrote a book, Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next…

Rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continues unabated

NOAA reports that atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) measured at Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Observatory for May 2020 was the highest monthly reading ever recorded. Source:…

Zuckerberg Urges the West To Counter China’s ‘Dangerous’ Approach To Internet Regulation

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: Mark Zuckerberg has again sounded the alarm on China, calling out the country’s approach to regulating internet services. The Facebook CEO on Monday said that he was worried about other countries that are looking to replicate the Chinese model, which he labeled “really dangerous.” “What I worry about is, right now I think…

Learn to recognize the wildlife out your window

With careful observation, you can start to recognize a particular squirrel, or that certain cardinal pair that hangs out on your feeder. Source:…

Tesla’s New Terafactory Is Coming To Austin, Texas

paulbsch shares a report from Electrek: A source familiar with the matter told Electrek that Tesla has chosen Austin, Texas for its next factory and it’s going to happen quickly. According to a reliable source familiar with the matter, Tesla CEO Elon Musk is set on bringing the next Tesla Gigafactory, or now Terafactory, to Austin, Texas, or at least close…

Intel Says It Is Delivering More Than 90% of Products on Time

Intel, the world’s biggest chipmaker, said it’s maintaining above 90% on-time delivery of its products from factories worldwide. From a report: Chief Executive Officer Bob Swan told customers in a letter posted on the company’s website that he is “inspired by the deep commitment of our teams to sustain our manufacturing, assembly, test and supply chain operations in Oregon, New Mexico,…