How to see the spectacular comet Neowise with the naked eye

Comet Neowise is currently putting on an impressive show for observers in the northern hemisphere, and you should be able to see it without binoculars or a telescope Source:…

Parker Solar Probe spies newly discovered comet NEOWISE

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe was at the right place at the right time to capture a unique view of comet NEOWISE on July 5, 2020. Parker Solar Probe’s position in space gave the spacecraft an unmatched view of the comet’s twin tails when it was particularly active just after its closest approach to the sun, called perihelion. Source:…

Newly-Discovered Comet Neowise: Now Visible at Dawn and Dusk

“A newly-discovered comet is giving skywatchers quite the show during the month of July,” reports CBS News:
Astronomers discovered the comet, known as Comet C2020 F3 NEOWISE, back in March. It was named for the NASA mission that spotted it, for the Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer… But astronomers knew they found something unique when they spotted Neowise. On July 3,…