BoJack Horseman shows just how unreliable memories can be

The final episodes of BoJack Horseman will be released this week. The dark comedy series has tackled just how fickle memories can be, as well as issues around mental health Source:…

Monty Python’s Terry Jones Passes Away At 77

Mogster shares a report from the BBC: Monty Python stars have led the tributes to their co-star Terry Jones, who has died at the age of 77. The Welsh actor and writer played a variety of characters in the iconic comedy group’s Flying Circus TV series, and directed several of their films. He died on Tuesday, four years after contracting a…

HBO’s New Space Comedy Mocks ‘Tech Bros in Charge’

Engadget reports on a new tech-industry-in-space comedy premiering tonight on HBO: If you thought that HBO was done mocking technology companies now that Silicon Valley is done, think again. Avenue 5 is the channel’s new sitcom, and one that asks the question: “What if tech bros were in charge of more than just our internet histories?'” The answer, at least according…

How a Fake Murder-For-Hire Site Led To Real Convictions

Harper’s profiles sys-admin Chris Monteiro, who moonlights as a white-hat hacker monitoring dark web sites claiming to offer murder-for-hire services. For example, he tipped off one local police department to a $5,000 bitcoin payment someone made to try to arrange the murder of a teenaged girl on a site run by someone named “Yura”. [U]sers set up an anonymous account, select…

Netflix Cancels Rebooted ‘Mystery Science Theatre 3000’

Netflix’s reboot of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 made this year’s “Best Of” lists from both The New York Times and Rotten Tomatoes. Yet apparently their bosses didn’t like them, and have shot them into space. Forbes reports: In a controversial move poisoning Thanksgiving for many indie comedy fans, Mystery Science Theater 3000 host Jonah Ray tweeted that Netflix has cancelled the…

‘South Park’ Nears $500-Million Deal for US Streaming Rights

An anonymous reader quotes the Los Angeles Times: “South Park” is the latest beneficiary of Hollywood’s rerun mania. The show’s creators and media giant Viacom Inc. expect to share between $450 million and $500 million by selling the streaming rights to the animated comedy, one of the longest-running TV series in U.S. history, according to people familiar with the matter. As…

Monty Python’s 50th Anniversary Celebrated With ‘Extremely Silly’ Event

The Monty Python character known as the Gumby would often be found saying “My brain hurts”. Now Reuters reports: In what is billed as an “extremely silly” event, hordes of Monty Python fans will gather in full Gumby attire in London on Saturday to celebrate the British comedy troupe’s 50th anniversary. Kitted out in rubber boots, sleeveless sweaters, rolled-up trousers and…

HBO Fends Off Streamers at Emmys While Other TV Networks Struggle

HBO managed to thwart competition from big streaming companies again Sunday night, taking home far more Emmy wins than any other network or streaming company. From a report: Other legacy cable and broadcast networks otherwise had a rough night. All other broadcast and cable networks combined nabbed 24 awards — 10 fewer than HBO. HBO has been known for decades as…

Kickstarter Accused of ‘Union-Busting’ After Firing Three Employees

The BBC reports that Kickstarter has been accused of “union-busting” after firing three employees: Taylor Moore, the company’s head of comedy and podcasts, tweeted that he and another employee were fired on Thursday, while tech and design lead Clarissa Redwine was fired last week. All three were heavily involved in the formation of a Kickstarter union this year, Mr Moore added….

Asking questions, solving puzzles: Meet Farhanah

Welcome to the latest installment of edX Insider, where we take you behind the scenes at edX HQ. Today we chat with Farhanah, Engineering Manager, Sustaining & Escalations, about the things that make edX unique, what inspired her to pursue an engineering career, the best course she’s ever taken, and more.  Quick stats Name: Farhanah Sheets Department/role: Engineering Manager, Sustaining &…