New study proposes light signature for detecting black hole mergers

Gravitational wave detectors are finding black hole mergers in the universe at the rate of one per week. If these mergers occur in empty space, researchers cannot see associated light that is needed to determine where they happened. However, a new study in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, led by scientists at the American Museum of Natural History and the City University…

Mobile app to provide the latest on black hole collisions and merging neutron stars

PhD students from the Institute for Gravitational Wave Astronomy have released a new app to encourage members of the public to stay up to date with new gravitational wave events in near real time. Source:…

Hubble brings you a spooky cosmic face

This ghostly face, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope on June 19, is actually a collision of 2 galaxies of about equal size, 704 million light-years from Earth. Source:…

MIT Taught Self-Driving Cars To See Around Corners With Shadows

Researchers from MIT have developed a system that could help cars prevent collisions by, essentially, looking around corners. They call it ShadowCam. ExtremeTech reports: ShadowCam uses a sequence of four video frames from a camera pointed at the region just ahead of the car. The AI maps changes in light intensity over time, and specific changes can indicate another vehicle is…