These 2 stars in Sagitta will merge and explode by this century’s end

When the 2 stars in the binary star system V Sagittae come together – around the year 2083, astronomers say – they’ll create a star explosion called a nova. Then V Sagittae will temporarily outshine all the stars in our Milky Way galaxy. Source:…

Ivanka Trump, Big Tech Companies Plan Marketing Campaign Targeting Teens’ Perceptions of Tech Jobs

theodp writes: Dismissing questions of whether Ivanka Trump’s Tuesday CES keynote appearance on The Path to the Future of Work should have gone to somebody else who’s had more to do with tech in the administration, CES Chief Gary Shapiro informed the BBC: “Ivanka Trump actually co-chairs the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board, whose members include companies like Apple, Walmart and…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – December 2019

By Kyle Clark, Senior Skills Transformation Consultant Coursera’s university and industry partners launched over 50 courses in December to round out 2019. Our new courses range in topic from the data-heavy – including new AI, cloud, and analytics courses – to cultural intelligence, public health, security management, and business English. Here are our top picks […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

H2Go Power Seeks To Power Drones With Hydrogen

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: When you think about hydrogen and flight, the image that comes to mind for most is the Hindenburg airship in flames. But in a lab deep in the basement of Imperial College in London, a young team has built what it believes is the future of air travel. H2Go Power is seeking…

A Quarter of the World’s Pigs Died Last Year in China

By the end of August 2019, the entire pig population of China had dropped by about 40 percent. China accounted for more than half of the global pig population in 2018, and the epidemic there alone has killed nearly one-quarter of all the world’s pigs. From a report: By late September, the disease had cost economic losses of one trillion yuan…

One-Quarter of World’s Pigs Died In a Year Due To Swine Fever In China

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The [African swine fever disease] was first reported in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, in early August 2018. By the end of August 2019, the entire pig population of China had dropped by about 40 percent. China accounted for more than half of the global pig population in 2018, and the epidemic…

How to Make a Plan for Your Life and Set Personal Goals

Have you ever stopped to think about what you really want your life to be like? Dr. Richard Shell, an award-winning scholar, teacher, and author at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, has found that most people don’t. Luckily, he can help you get started. Below, listen to the conversation or read the […]
The post How to Make a…

Washington Post Writer Calls 2019 ‘The Year of OK Boomer’, Calls for Inter-Generational Kindness

“It was the year of ‘OK boomer,’ and the generations were at each other’s throats,” argues the national features writer for The Washington Post, starting with a quote from New York University’s Michael North, who studies ageism in the workplace. “Age-based prejudice is the last acceptable form of prejudice. People are making age-based generalizations and stereotypes that you wouldn’t be able…

‘I Asked My Students To Turn In Their Cellphones and Write About Living Without Them’

Rog Srigley, writer who teaches at Humber College and Laurentian University, offered his students extra credit if they would give him their phones for nine days and write about living without them. “What they wrote was remarkable, and remarkably consistent,” he writes. “These university students, given the chance to say what they felt, didn’t gracefully submit to the tech industry and…