Neutrons probe ultra-cold condensate for insight into quantum matter

Bose-Einstein condensates are macroscopic quantum phases of matter which appear only under very particular conditions. Learning more about these phases of matter could help researchers develop a better understanding of fundamental quantum behaviors and possibly contribute to future quantum technology. …

Let the moon show you Saturn

At nightfall these next few evenings – November 29 and 30, 2019 – use the waxing crescent moon to find the planet Saturn. Source:…

Tons of acorns in your yard? It must be a mast year

Masting is what biologists call the pattern of trees for miles around synchronizing to all produce lots of seeds – or very few. Why and how do they get on schedule? Source:…

Humans Placed in Suspended Animation For the First Time

Doctors have placed humans in suspended animation for the first time, as part of a trial in the US that aims to make it possible to fix traumatic injuries that would otherwise cause death. From a report: Samuel Tisherman, at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, told New Scientist that his team of medics had placed at least one patient…

Blowtorch jets from a black hole drive starbirth

Supermassive black holes, weighing millions or even billions of times our Sun’s mass, are still only a tiny fraction of the mass of the galaxies they inhabit. But in some cases, the central black hole is the tail wagging the dog. It seems that black holes can run hot or cold when it comes to either enhancing or squelching star birth…

George Lucas Has Apparently Changed the Famous Greedo Scene In 1977’s Star Wars Again, For Disney+

Freshly Exhumed shares a report from The Guardian: George Lucas, whose departure from all things Star Wars seems to have been greatly exaggerated — appears to have yet again doctored the famous Greedo scene in 1977’s Star Wars [prior to it being shown on the Disney+ streaming service]. The scene depicts the Mos Eisley cantina in which Harrison Ford’s Han Solo…

Spectacular ice eggs have washed onto a beach in Finland

A combination of cold weather and just the right amount of wave motion has caused strange frozen spheres to cover a Finnish beach Source:…

Ultima Thule renamed to avoid Nazi link

The distant Kuiper Belt object formerly known as 2014 MU69 – later known as Ultima Thule – has been renamed again. Its new name is Arrokoth. Source:…

132 grams to communicate with Mars

Dust storms, ionising cosmic radiation, extreme cold at night … Mars is not very hospitable! It’s for these extreme conditions that the research team of Christophe Craeye, a professor at the UCLouvain Louvain School of Engineering, developed antennas for the ‘LaRa’ measuring instrument (Lander Radioscience ), which will go to Mars in 2020. Source:…