Alan Turing Receives a (Late) Obituary From the NYT

“In recent years, The New York Times has been publishing obituaries of people long dead but who nevertheless would have been deserving of one when they died,” writes Slashdot reader necro81. “They call it their ‘Overlooked’ series. Today, their overlooked figure is British mathematician and prototype computer scientist Alan Turing.” Here’s an excerpt from the obituary: His genius embraced the first…

Nation’s Most Ambitious Project To Clean Up Nuclear Weapons Waste Has Stalled At Hanford

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Los Angeles Times: The Energy Department’s most environmentally important and technically ambitious project to clean up Cold War nuclear weapons waste has stalled, putting at jeopardy an already long-delayed effort to protect the Columbia River in central Washington. In a terse letter last week, state officials said the environmental project is at risk of…

UN Chief Warns Nuclear Waste Could Be Leaking Into the Pacific

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Engadget: A UN chief is concerned that a Cold War-era nuclear ‘coffin’ could be leaking radioactive material into the Pacific. According to, the structure in question is on Enewetak atoll in the Marshall Islands — where the U.S. conducted 67 nuclear weapons tests between 1946 and 1958. The tests included the Castle Bravo…

Today in science: 1st American in space

Alan Shepard became the 1st American in space on May 5, 1961. His suborbital flight took place just 3 weeks after the Soviet Union’s Yuri Gagarin orbited Earth once. Source:…

Microwaves & the Paranormal: As Serious as a Heart Attack

Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries is a 1976 document that was prepared for the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency.  Specifically, it was written by Ronald L. Adams and Dr. R.A. Williams of the U.S. Army’s Medical Intelligence and Information Agency. The document was declassified – via the terms of the… Read more » Source:…

Declassified U2 Spy Plane Photos Expose Hidden Archaeological Sites

During the Cold War, the United States flew U2 spy planes over Europe, the Middle East, and central eastern Asia in search of potential military targets. These missions inadvertently gathered historical information, which archaeologists are now using for scientific purposes. Read more… Source:

19.12 – MU Plus+ Podcast

On this episode of Mysterious Universe Plus+ we continue our take on the almost unbelievable story of two women who claim they were abducted and trained by the CIA when they were children. While the story takes some strange turns the conclusion is more disturbing that you can imagine. This episode is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+… Continue reading 19.12 – MU Plus+ Podcast