After SolarWinds Breach, Lawmakers Ask NSA for Help in Cracking Juniper Cold Case

As the U.S. investigation into the SolarWinds hacking campaign grinds on, lawmakers are demanding answers from the National Security Agency about another troubling supply chain breach that was disclosed five years ago. From a report: A group of lawmakers led by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., are asking the NSA what steps it took to secure defense networks following a years-old breach…

When the sky exploded: Remembering Tunguska

On June 30, 1908, the largest asteroid impact in recorded history occurred in remote Siberia, Russia. We now celebrate Asteroid Day each year on the anniversary the Tunguska event, as it is now known. Source:…

Twitter Refuses To Delete Trump’s Baseless Claims About Joe Scarborough

Twitter’s policy carve-out for world leaders is facing another test with President Donald Trump’s latest tweets resurrecting baseless claims that MSNBC host Joe Scarborough should be investigated for the death of his former staffer. From a report: Earlier this month, Trump tweeted questions about when an investigation would be opened into the “Cold Case” of “Psycho Joe Scarborough.” The unfounded accusation…

Cold Case Closed: Scientists Pin 33,000-Year-Old Murder on a Left-Handed Paleo Killer

One of the coldest cases on record — a man’s mysterious death about 33,000 years ago — has finally been solved: a left-handed murderer killed the man by smashing his skull with two consecutive blows, a new study finds. Source:

Today in science: Tunguska explosion

We celebrate Asteroid Day on June 30 because it’s the anniversary of a 1908 explosion over Siberia that killed reindeer and flattened trees. Here’s the latest on what we know. Source:…