CNBC: Amazon Is Shipping Expired Food

Counterfeits aren’t the only problem when shopping on Amazon, reports CNBC. The grocery section is “littered” with expired foods. From baby formula and coffee creamer to beef jerky and granola bars, items are arriving spoiled and well past their sell-by date, Amazon customers say. Interviews with brands, consumers, third-party sellers and consultants all point to loopholes in Amazon’s technology and logistics…

Today’s ‘Day Against DRM’ Protests Locks On Educational Materials

This year’s “International Day Against DRM” is highlighting user-disrespecting restrictions on educational materials. An anonymous reader quotes the Free Software Foundation’s Defective By Design site: The “Netflix of textbooks” model practiced by Pearson and similar publishers is a Trojan horse for education: requiring a constant Internet connection for “authentication” purposes, severely limiting the number of pages a student can read at…

‘We Can’t End Climate Change Without Changing Our Eating Habits’

Saturday the Guardian published a call to action by the author of the new book, We are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast: [W]e cannot save the planet unless we significantly reduce our consumption of animal products. This is not my opinion, or anyone’s opinion. It is the inconvenient science. Animal agriculture produces more greenhouse gas emissions than the…

Intermittent Fasting May Be As Beneficial As Counting Calories

“A type of intermittent fasting that calls for eating nothing one day, and then whatever a person wants the next, can be done safely for several months and comes with a number of health benefits, a study has found.” An anonymous reader quotes Alternate day fasting improved cardiovascular markers, reducing blood pressure and heart rate after four weeks, researchers reported…

A Growing Community Called Randonauts Believe That Journeying To Random Locations Can Help Put Us in New Realities

A small but quickly growing online community believes that transforming randomly generated numbers into clusters of location data could help us tunnel out of reality. Their name for themselves: Randonauts. From a report: It’s a sad truth that most of our lives are pretty boring, geographically speaking. Live in one place long enough and you will develop routines, walking the same…

The Planet Needs a New Internet

An anonymous reader shares a report: When climate change comes for our coffee and our wine, we’ll moan about it on Twitter, read about it on our favorite websites, and watch diverting videos on YouTube to fill the icy hole in our hearts. We’ll do all this until the websites go dark and the networks go down because eventually, climate change…

‘World’s Oldest Webcam’ To Be Switched Off

The world’s oldest continuously working webcam is being switched off after 25 years. The BBC reports: The Fogcam was set up in 1994 to watch how the weather changed on the San Francisco State University campus. has broadcast almost continuously since then barring regular maintenance and the occasional need for it to be re-sited to maintain its view. Its creators said…

Vermicomposting | Fertilize With Worm Castings

Vermicomposting is worming its way onto farms everywhere. Here’s why you should fertilize with worm castings, and how to grow your own worm composting unit. Vermicomposting For The Homestead I’m always looking for new ways on the farm to reuse, recycle and repurpose, and there’s nothing I love more than an opportunity to reduce the…Continue Reading
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How To Make Compost

We probably don’t need to tell you the benefits of compost for your soil. With a few easy steps you can grow bigger healthier plants and save your scraps from being turned into garbage. Plus, composting gives you the opportunity to see exactly what is going into your fertilizer. So enrich your soil, plants, and life…Continue Reading
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7 Ways To Prepare Wheat Without a Grinder

A lot of times people just getting started with their food storage have a big hang-up about wheat and how to use it. We are told to store hundreds of pounds of this food that we never actually cook with in our daily meal prep. For a long time we decided we wouldn’t store any…Continue Reading
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