Many Amazon Returns Are Just Destroyed or Sent to Landfills

What happens when we return items to Amazon? “Perfectly good items are being liquidated by the truckload — and even destroyed or sent to landfill,” according to Marketplace, an investigative consumer program on Canada’s public TV:
Experts say hundreds of thousands of returns don’t end up back on the e-commerce giant’s website for resale, as customers might think. Marketplace journalists posing as…

What Do Worms Eat? | Worm Farming 101

“What do worms eat?” is the first question on every beginner worm farmer’s mind. If you are looking to add worm farms in your homestead then here is everything you need to know about what worms eat. RELATED: Worm Farm Kit: Essential Supplies Every Beginner Should Have What Do Worms Eat? | FAQs What to Feed…Continue Reading
The post What Do Worms Eat?…

Irish Court Says Subway Bread Is Too Sugary to Be Called ‘Bread’

According to the Subway Ireland website, the chain’s six-inch and footlong subs are available on six different kinds of bread, including nine-grain multi-seed, Italian white bread, Italian herbs and cheese, nine-grain wheat, hearty Italian, and honey oat. And, according to the country’s Supreme Court, all six varieties are too sugary to legally be called “bread” at all. From a report: The…

Security Researchers Detail New ‘BlindSide’ Speculative Execution Attack

“Security researchers from Amsterdam have publicly detailed ‘BlindSide’ as a new speculative execution attack vector for both Intel and AMD processors,” reports Phoronix:
BlindSide is self-described as being able to “mount BROP-style attacks in the speculative execution domain to repeatedly probe and derandomize the kernel address space, craft arbitrary memory read gadgets, and enable reliable exploitation. This works even in face of…

CDC Report Links Dining Out To Increased COVID-19 Risk

gollum123 shares a report from CNBC: Dining out raises the risk of contracting Covid-19 more than other activities, such as shopping or going to a salon, according to a report published Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The findings come as many states consider the safest ways to reopen businesses, especially restaurants. Those who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2,…

Discord Looks To Grow Beyond Its Gaming Roots

Discord began in 2015 as a way for gamers to talk to one another before, during, and after play. Now, the chat company is pursuing a far broader vision: to be the Slack for your non-work life. From a report: Discord allows people to create their own online community space, to set and enforce rules and decide whether to remain invite-only…

Android 11 Is Taking Away the Camera Picker, Forcing People To Only Use the Built-In Camera

In the name of security and privacy, Google is taking away the ability for users to select third-party camera apps in Android 11, forcing users to rely on the built-in camera app. Android Police reports: At the heart of this change is one of the defining traits of Android: the Intent system. Let’s say you need to take a picture of…

Ancient serene galaxy suggests the early universe was eerily calm

A strange “coffee stain” galaxy in the early universe is much calmer than it ought to be, which may mean our ideas about a chaotic young universe could be wrong Source:…

Worm Farm Kit: Essential Supplies Every Beginner Should Have

Preparing a worm farm kit is easy. Plus, the materials you need are also very affordable. To help you get you started, here are the materials that you need to prepare. RELATED: How To Start Your Own Worm Composting Bin Worm Farm Kit For Beginners What is Worm Farming? Worm farming, or vermicomposting, is the process…Continue Reading
The post Worm Farm Kit: Essential…

Could Working Remotely Kill Silicon Valley’s Culture?

This week Medium’s editor-at-large argued remote working could kill Silicon Valley in a new article on Medium’s business site “Marker” — because working remotely could bring an end to those “serendipitous encounters” which lead to blockbuster products:
Tech serendipity is the means to an end in Silicon Valley. “You bring together a density of entrepreneurs and capital with a belief in crazy…