Penguin Poop Seen From Space Leads To Discovery of New Colonies

Satellite-mapping technology “that detects stains on the ice from penguin droppings” has revealed there are more Emperor colonies than previously known in fast-warming Antarctica, reports Bloomberg: Eleven new colonies of the species were found, taking the census to 61 across the polar continent, according to a study by scientists at the British Antarctic Survey published Wednesday. The scientists used images from…

Satellites discover new penguin colonies from space

Satellite images have revealed 11 previously unknown emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica, identified by telltale reddish-brown guano stains the birds leave on the ice. Source:…

GitHub Buries Giant Open-Source Archive In An Arctic Vault

Microsoft-owned GitHub has finally moved its snapshot of all active public repositories on the site to a vault in Norway. ZDNet reports: GiHub announced the archiving plan last November and on February 20 followed through with the 21 terabyte snapshot written to 186 reels of film. GitHub cancelled plans for a team to “personally escort the world’s open-source code to the…

A North Dakota Utility Wants To Build the World’s Largest Carbon Capture Facility At a Power Plant

An anonymous reader quotes a report from IEEE Spectrum: The Milton R. Young Station, close to the town of Center in North Dakota, is as unremarkable as coal-fired power plants come. But if its owner Minnkota Power Cooperative has its way, the plant could soon be famous the world over. The Grand Forks-based electric cooperative has launched Project Tundra, an initiative…

‘Why the Foundations of Physics Have Not Progressed For 40 Years’

Sabine Hossenfelder, research fellow at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, writes: What we have here in the foundation of physics is a plain failure of the scientific method. All these wrong predictions should have taught physicists that just because they can write down equations for something does not mean this math is a scientifically promising hypothesis. String theory, supersymmetry, multiverses….

GitHub Places Open-Source Code In Arctic Cave For Safekeeping

pacopico writes: GitHub’s CEO Nat Friedman traveled to Svalbard in October to stash Linux, Android, and 6,000 other open-source projects in a permafrost-filled, abandoned coal mine. It’s part of a project to safeguard the world’s software from existential threats and also just to archive the code for posterity. As Friedman says, “If you told someone 20 years ago that in 2020,…