Global CO2 emissions have already rebounded above pre-pandemic levels

Covid-19 lockdowns helped global emissions plummet by a record 5.6 per cent during 2020, but new data shows worldwide emissions are already back to levels seen before the pandemic Source:…

Mitsubishi Heavy To Build Biggest Zero-Carbon Steel Plant

Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries will soon complete in Austria the world’s largest steel plant capable of attaining net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. Mitsubishi Heavy, through a British unit, is constructing the pilot plant at a complex of Austrian steelmaker Voestalpine. Trial operation is slated to begin in 2021. From a report: The plant will use hydrogen instead of coal in the reduction…

2-Acre Vertical Farm Run By AI and Robots Out-Produces 720-Acre Flat Farm

schwit1 quotes Intelligent Living: Plenty is an ag-tech startup in San Francisco, co-founded by Nate Storey, that is reinventing farms and farming. Storey, who is also the company’s chief science officer, says the future of farms is vertical and indoors because that way, the food can grow anywhere in the world, year-round; and the future of farms employ robots and AI…

Record CO2 emissions drop in 2020 won’t do much to halt climate change

A record 7 per cent drop in global carbon emissions this year will make no difference to long-term climate change, say researchers Source:…

Steve Wozniak Is Starting Another Company, 45 Years After Co-Founding Apple With Steve Jobs

45 years after co-founding Apple with Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak is starting a business in the green tech and blockchain space called Efforce. CNBC reports: Efforce, which has been in stealth mode for almost a year, is a marketplace for corporate or industrial buildering owners to have “green” projects funded. According to Efforce, “investors can participate in energy efficiency projects buy…

Hydrogen and Carbon Capture Tech Are Key To Net-Zero US Electricity, Study Says

The United States can generate affordable electricity without producing carbon dioxide emissions by 2035 by deploying hydrogen or carbon capture technology, according to a report released on Wednesday by a climate policy think tank. Reuters reports: The report by California-based Energy Innovatihere which researches ways to combat global warming, highlighted five scenarios for the United States to generate 100% clean energy…

Electric Trucks Could Make a ‘Significant Dent’ In Carbon Emissions

Electric trucks have the potential to displace enough oil to make a “significant dent” in transportation sector CO2 emissions, per a Rhodium Group analysis. Axios reports: There’s lots of buzz — and a lot of money — around electric trucks these days. It estimates the long-term effects of a recent 15-state nonbinding pact (PDF) to bolster the use of zero-emissions heavy…

Can we rely on tropical forests to stop runaway climate change?

The world’s jungles absorb a large proportion of our CO2 emissions, helping to slow the pace of human-induced global warming. But they may be reaching saturation point Source:…

Your Car Is Spewing Microplastics That Blow Around the World

rmdingler shares a report: When you drive, tiny bits of plastic fly off your tires and brakes. Now scientists have shown how all that road muck is blowing into environments like the Arctic. When the world fully transitions from cars that run on dinosaur juice to cars that run on electricity, humanity will have eliminated a major source of planet-warming carbon…

Covid-19 Killed the Era of ‘Big’ Flying

COVID-19 has shattered the aviation industry, with nations closing their borders and banning all but essential travel. A world where people could hop from country to country is now one where empty planes travel to maintain contractual obligations. Major carriers, including American, IAG, Delta and Lufthansa have all asked for government bailouts. From a report: One airline that will receive a…