Today in science: A spacecraft obliterated a sundog

On February 11, 2010, a solar observatory launched into space ripped apart a sundog and created a new ice halo that amazed scientists. Source:…

JADES will go deeper than the Hubble Deep Fields

Astronomers announced this month that a new deep-field survey called JADES will be carried out with the James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble’s much-anticipated successor. The Webb is due to launch later this year. Source:…

What’s the weather like on Titan?

Most of the planets in our solar system have some sort of atmosphere and many have dynamic weather systems. But only one moon in the solar system, Saturn’s large moon Titan, can say the same. Source:…

Purported phosphine on Venus more likely to be ordinary sulfur dioxide, new study shows

In September, a team led by astronomers in the United Kingdom announced that they had detected the chemical phosphine in the thick clouds of Venus. The team’s reported detection, based on observations by two Earth-based radio telescopes, surprised many Venus experts. Earth’s atmosphere contains small amounts of phosphine, which may be produced by life. Phosphine on Venus generated buzz that the…

Top 12 brightest objects in the solar system

Can you name the top 12 brightest objects in the solar system? How many have you seen without the aid of binoculars or a telescope? Source:…

ISS records ‘blue jet’ lightning from space

Scientists have recorded footage of a spectacular natural phenomenon that is only clearly visible from space. Filmed from high above the clouds throug… Source:…

Update on the 7 Earth-sized planets orbiting nearby TRAPPIST-1

A new study of the seven Earth-sized exoplanets around TRAPPIST-1 indicate that all 7 planets are extremely similar to each other in makeup, but potentially quite different from Earth. Source:…

The Mars-Uranus conjunction of January 2021

Mars and Uranus passed close to each other in a conjunction on January 21, 2021. Photos from the event captured by EarthSky readers available here. Source:…