Amazon Says Police Demands For Customer Data Have Gone Up

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Amazon has said the number of demands for user data made by U.S. federal and local law enforcement have increased more during the first half of 2020 than during the same period a year earlier. The disclosure came in the company’s latest transparency report, published Thursday. The figures show that Amazon received 23%…

Google Scrapped Cloud Initiative in China, ‘Sensitive Markets’

Google abandoned plans to offer a major new cloud service in China and other politically sensitive countries due in part to concerns over geopolitical tensions and the pandemic, Blloomberg reported Wednesday, citing two employees familiar with the matter, revealing the challenges for U.S. tech giants to secure business in those markets. From a report: In May, the search giant shut down…

Gartner Predicts $300 Billion Less IT Spending, More Spending on Cloud Services and Automation

An anonymous reader quotes Forbes:
In a new report, research firm Gartner says it thinks global tech spending will drop 8% in 2020 based on what it is hearing from tech suppliers and other sources. It’s forecasting that $3.46 trillion will be spent on IT products and services this year by businesses and consumers, down from $3.76 trillion in 2019. Gartner’s estimate…