Xiaomi Threatens Legal Action Against Users Who Call Its Mimoji App a Copycat of Apple’s Memoji

From a report: Apple’s Memoji may have become the more popular 3D avatar feature for smartphones, but Xiaomi wants people to know that its similarly-named version — Mimoji — came first, despite increasingly confusing overlap between the apps’ names and features. Moreover, it’s apparently threatening legal action against writers who call it a copycat without providing proof. In September 2017, Apple…

Scientists Discover 42,000-Year-Old Liquid Blood in Preserved Foal

The well-preserved condition of the animal is giving hope to researchers trying to clone extinct animals. Source: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/bj9x3a/scientists-discover-42000-year-old-liquid-blood-in-preserved-foal…

Comet is an open source Windows Disk Cleanup clone

Comet is a new open source program for Windows that replicates functionality of the trusted Disk Cleanup tool of Windows. Microsoft revealed some time ago the decision to deprecate Disk Cleanup and […]
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Scientists Plan To Clone A 42,000-Year-Old Extinct Horse Species Back To Life

Scientists are pretty sure that they can extract cells from a 42,000-year-old extinct foal and bring it back to life. They believe that if they can bring back the extinct Lenskaya breed of horse, they will eventually be able to successfully resurrect the woolly mammoth. The light ginger-colored foal was found in the Batagai depression… Continue reading Scientists Plan To Clone A 42,000-Year-Old Extinct Horse Species Back To Life