Climate Change Could Expose Tons of Human Poop Left on Alaskan Glacier

There’s a somewhat hokey saying among outdoor enthusiasts that goes, “Take only pictures, leave only footprints,” and while unstated, I assume this applies to hauling your literal crap out, too. But at Denali National Park in Alaska, few have followed this mantra, abandoning roughly 66 tons of human poop that—because of course it gets worse—may… Continue reading Climate Change Could Expose Tons of Human Poop Left on Alaskan Glacier

Climate Change Activists Stripped Semi-Naked In British Parliament

Lawmakers have shown their whole asses by ignoring that climate change is upon us, so on Monday activists got semi-naked in British parliament to grab their attention. A group of demonstrators with Extinction Rebellion, a campaign that demands that governments “tell the truth about the climate and wider ecological emergency” and reduce carbon emissions to… Continue reading Climate Change Activists Stripped Semi-Naked In British Parliament

Politicians will have to force us to adopt climate-friendly lifestyles

People are happy to make small tweaks to their lifestyle to combat climate change, but we will need governments to force us to achieve large emissions reductions Source:

Can we solve global warming? Lessons from how we protected the ozone layer | Sean Davis

The Montreal Protocol proved that the world could come together and take action on climate change. Thirty years after the world’s most successful environmental treaty was signed, atmospheric scientist Sean Davis examines the world we avoided when we banned chlorofluorocarbons — and shares lessons we can carry forward to address the climate crisis in our time. Source:…

How empowering women and girls can help stop global warming | Katharine Wilkinson

If we really want to address climate change, we need to make gender equity a reality, says writer and environmentalist Katharine Wilkinson. As part of Project Drawdown, Wilkinson has helped scour humanity’s wisdom for solutions to draw down heat-trapping, climate-changing emissions: obvious things like renewable energy and sustainable diets and not so obvious ones, like the education and empowerment of…