Destruction of nature is as big a threat to humanity as climate change

A million species are threatened by human activity, but it’s not too late to save what’s left of our planet’s biodiversity, says a major new UN report Source:…

Climate change may turn octopuses partially blind from lack of oxygen

Retinas need oxygen to function, but climate change is creating low-oxygen zones in the sea, which will drastically weaken vision in marine animals Source:…

Facebook’s controversial fact-checking partnership with a Daily Caller-funded website, explained


Seven charts that explain what net zero emissions means for the UK

The Committee on Climate Change has urged the government to adopt a target of net zero emissions by 2050. These seven charts show how that might unfold, and what it means for the UK economy Source:…

Signs of human climate change influence on drought traced back to 1900

We have been pumping out greenhouse gases for a very long time – and now we have evidence that humans were changing the climate over a century ago Source:…

At Least One in Six World Heritage Glaciers Will Be Gone by 2100

In worst case scenarios, nearly half of these protected glaciers would disappear by the end of the century.Source:…

Extreme flooding leads to deaths in Indonesia and Mozambique

Dozens of people have died in Indonesia and Mozambique as a result of storms and flooding, possibly driven by climate change Source:…

In a Switch, Some Republicans Start Citing Climate Change as Driving Their Policies

Driven partly by polls showing voters in both parties — particularly younger ones — are worried about a warming planet, some lawmakers are changing how they talk about climate change. Source:…

Cyclone Kenneth is one of the strongest storms to hit mainland Africa

Cyclone Kenneth made landfall in Mozambique on 25 April and may have been intensified by climate change. The storm could dump nearly a metre of rain in the next few days Source:…

Extinction Rebellion’s three demands on climate change explained

Ministers are expected to meet with climate protestors next week, but what do they want? Rupert Read, of Extinction Rebellion, explains the group’s demands Source:…