Adapting ideas from quantum physics to calculate alternative interventions for infection and cancer

Published in Nature Physics, findings from a new study co-led by Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University teams show for the first time how ideas from quantum physics can help develop novel drug interventions for bacterial infections and cancer. …

‘Broken Heart Syndrome’ Has Increased During COVID-19 Pandemic, Small Study Suggests

Rick Schumann writes: Researchers at a Cleveland clinic performed a study with 1,914 patients into a phenomenon called “Broken Heart Syndrome,” where someone can be experiencing heart attack-like symptoms, but it’s not a heart attack or anything related to blocked blood flow to the heart. Turns out that it seems likely that the aggregate stresses of the pandemic (so-called “social distancing,”…

Luke Skywalker-Inspired Prosthetic Arm Lets Amputee Feel Objects Again

CNN tells the story of a new medical breakthrough for Keven Walgamott, who 17 years ago lost one hand and part of his forearm in an electrical accident. Now, Walgamott can use his thoughts to tell the fingers of his bionic hand to pick up eggs and grapes. The prosthetic arm he tested also allowed Walgamott to feel the objects he…

The Psychology Behind Why People Will Eat Anything at Work

Anyone who has spent time working in an office has seen how quickly a box of doughnuts gets demolished. But it’s not just genuinely tasty snacks that get gobbled up. From a report: Dr. Susan Albers-Bowling, a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic and author of six books on mindful eating, says one of the big reasons is that it’s free. “We…

Doctors Use Electrical Implant to Aid Brain-Damaged Woman

A pilot study offers “a very promising start” in the effort to help people recover from traumatic brain injuries. Source:…