Antares is the Heart of the Scorpion

Bright red Antares is easy to spot now. It’s the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius and represents the Scorpion’s Heart. Source:…

Djorgovski 2 is a moderately metal-poor globular cluster, study finds

Based on data from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and from the Very Large Telescope (VLT), astronomers have gained insights into a galactic globular cluster known as Djorgovski 2. Besides determining fundamental parameters of the object, the new research classified Djorgovski 2 as a moderately metal-poor globular cluster. The findings are presented in a paper published June 27 on Source:…

US revamps volcano early warning system

There are 161 active volcanoes in the United States, more than 1/3 of which have been classified as posing a high threat to nearby communities. A new law aims to improve volcano monitoring. Source:…

Dust storms on Mars

Dust is a critical component in the Martian atmosphere. It influences the atmosphere’s circulation by heating or cooling it and is in turn redistributed around the planet by atmospheric winds. In this dust cycle, dust storms play a particularly important role. Storms are traditionally classified into local, regional and planet-encircling dust storms, with small, local storms occurring throughout the year but…

No, asteroid 2006 QV89 won’t strike Earth in September

There’ve been scare stories online this month about asteroid 2006 QV89, a space rock that’ll pass closest to Earth on September 9, 2019. Should you be scared? Heck no. Source:…

Alan Turing Receives a (Late) Obituary From the NYT

“In recent years, The New York Times has been publishing obituaries of people long dead but who nevertheless would have been deserving of one when they died,” writes Slashdot reader necro81. “They call it their ‘Overlooked’ series. Today, their overlooked figure is British mathematician and prototype computer scientist Alan Turing.” Here’s an excerpt from the obituary: His genius embraced the first…

Mud ball meteorites rain down in Costa Rica

“Mud ball” meteorites – full of clays, organics and water – are unique among space rocks. And a lot of them fell in April 2019 on a small town in Costa Rica, much to the delight of scientists. Source:…

To Protect Secrets, US Won’t Charge Assange Over Exposing CIA Tools, Reports Politico

Some interesting news from Politico. America’s Justice Department will still prosecute Julian Assange for allegedly assisting Chelsea Manning, and for 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act — but “has decided not to charge Julian Assange for his role in exposing some of the CIA’s most secret spying tools, according to a U.S. official and two other people familiar with the…

New insights about Haumea’s enigmatic ring

Dwarf planet Haumea orbits in Pluto’s realm of the solar system. It’s the most distant little world known to have a ring. Scientists in Brazil have new insights on how Haumea’s ring maintains its nearly perfect circular shape. Source:…

What you need to know about derechos

Derechos typically form in late spring and summer. They are violent storm systems that can produce widespread wind damage across a large area. Check out the images in this post. Source:…