Drivers? Never Heard of Them, Says Uber

California lawmakers passed a landmark bill on Wednesday that threatens to reshape how companies like Uber and Lyft do business. The legislation, known as Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), was passed in the state Assembly and now heads to Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk. From a report: Uber and Lyft maintain that AB5 won’t immediately change independent contractors into employees. Tony…

Image: Hubble spots a swarm of stars

This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows a dwarf galaxy named UGC 685. Such galaxies are small and contain just a tiny fraction of the number of stars in a galaxy like the Milky Way. Dwarf galaxies often show a hazy structure, an ill-defined shape, and an appearance somewhat akin to a swarm or cloud of stars—and UGC 685…

A dynamic dying star, caught by Hubble

This image taken with the Hubble Space Telescope shows star death. It’s a planetary nebula in the direction of the constellation Gemini the Twins. Source:…

DOJ: Former FBI Director James Comey Violated Policy On His Trump Memos — But Won’t Be Prosecuted

Former FBI Director James Comey violated official policy in the way he handled his memos describing his exchanges with President Trump, an investigation concluded — but Comey won’t be charged. . An anonymous reader shares a report: Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz conducted the investigation into Comey’s actions and then referred his results to prosecutors. “After reviewing the matter, the…

Image: Hubble captures dynamic dying star

This atmospheric image taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows a dark, gloomy scene in the constellation of Gemini (the Twins). The subject of this image confused astronomers when it was first studied—rather than being classified as a single object, it was instead recorded as two objects, owing to its symmetrical lobed structure (known as NGC 2371 and NGC 2372,…

Schoolchildren in China Work Overnight To Produce Amazon Alexa Devices

Hundreds of schoolchildren have been drafted in to make Amazon’s Alexa devices in China as part of a controversial and often illegal attempt to meet production targets, documents seen by the Guardian reveal. From a report: Interviews with workers and leaked documents from Amazon’s supplier Foxconn show that many of the children have been required to work nights and overtime to…

61 Cygni is the Flying Star

Although it’s not bright, 61 Cygni moves exceptionally rapidly against the background of more distant stars. Its motion reveals its nearness to Earth. Source:…

Capital One’s Breach Was Inevitable, Because We Did Nothing After Equifax

An anonymous reader shares a report: Another day, another massive data breach. This time it’s the financial giant and credit card issuer Capital One, which revealed on Monday a credit file breach affecting 100 million Americans and 6 million Canadians. Sound familiar? It should. Just last week, credit rating giant Equifax settled for more than $575 million over a date breach…

Astronomers probe a mini-Neptune’s atmosphere

Exoplanet Gliese 3470 b fits nicely in size between our solar system’s Earth and planet Neptune. Known as a “mini-Neptune,” it likely has a rocky core beneath a deep, crushing, hydrogen-helium atmosphere. The analysis of its atmosphere is a first for one of these mid-sized worlds. Source:…