DHS CISA: Companies Are Getting Hacked Even After Patching Pulse Secure VPNs

According to the DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), companies that run Pulse Secure VPN servers are still at risk of getting hacked, despite patching vulnerable systems. ZDNet reports: Pulse Secure VPN servers are enterprise-grade VPN gateways that companies use to let workers connect to internal company networks from across the internet. Last year, a major vulnerability was disclosed in…

U.S. Government: Update Chrome 80 Now, Multiple Security Concerns Confirmed

Part of America’s Department of Homeland Security, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) “has advised users to update Google Chrome as new high-rated security vulnerabilities have been found,” reports Forbes: In an April 1 posting, CISA confirmed that Google Chrome version 80.0.3987.162 “addresses vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit to take control of an affected system,” be that Windows, Mac…

A Ransomware Attack Shut a US Natural Gas Plant and Its Pipelines

Long-time Slashdot reader Garabito writes: The Department of Homeland Security has revealed that an unnamed U.S. natural gas compression facility was forced to shut down operations for two days after becoming infected with ransomware. The plant was targeted with a phishing e-mail, that allowed the attacker to access its IT network and then pivot to its Operational Technology (OT) control network,…

Consider Switching From Internet Explorer, Says US Homeland Security

Slashdot reader SmartAboutThings writes: While Microsoft Edge is right on track to replace Internet Explorer, it seems that the last one is a bigger security liability then you may think. In a newly released advisory, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) [an agency within America’s Department of Homeland Security] is warning users about an IE vulnerability. To keep your personal…

US Officials Fear Ransomware Attack Against 2020 Election

The U.S. government plans to launch a program in roughly one month that narrowly focuses on protecting voter registration databases and systems ahead of the 2020 presidential election. From a report: These systems, which are widely used to validate the eligibility of voters before they cast ballots, were compromised in 2016 by Russian hackers seeking to collect information. Intelligence officials are…