New Cause of Cell Aging Discovered: Senescent Cells Stop Producing Nucleotides

New research from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering could be key to our understanding of how the aging process works. The findings potentially pave the way for better cancer treatments and revolutionary new drugs that could vastly improve human health in the twilight years. ScienceDaily reports: “To drink from the fountain of youth, you have to figure out where the…

Scientists Discover New Chemistry That May Help Explain Origins of Cellular Life

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Phys.Org: Before life began on Earth, the environment likely contained a massive number of chemicals that reacted with each other more or less randomly, and it is unclear how the complexity of cells could have emerged from such chemical chaos. Now, a team led by Tony Z. Jia at the Tokyo Institute of Technology…

IBM Gives Cancer-Killing Drug AI Project To the Open Source Community

IBM has released three artificial intelligence (AI) projects tailored to take on the challenge of curing cancer to the open-source community. ZDNet reports: The first project, dubbed PaccMann — not to be confused with the popular Pac-Man computer game — is described as the “Prediction of anticancer compound sensitivity with Multi-modal attention-based neural networks.” IBM is working on the PaccMann algorithm…

Astronomers probe a mini-Neptune’s atmosphere

Exoplanet Gliese 3470 b fits nicely in size between our solar system’s Earth and planet Neptune. Known as a “mini-Neptune,” it likely has a rocky core beneath a deep, crushing, hydrogen-helium atmosphere. The analysis of its atmosphere is a first for one of these mid-sized worlds. Source:…

Enceladus’ ocean right age to support life

The subsurface ocean of Saturn’s moon Enceladus seems possibly habitable in many ways. Now a new study has determined it’s the right age to support life, too. Source:…

India Plans Historic Launch of a Rocket to the Moon

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is planning to launch a rocket to the moon. UPDATE: 2:28: The launch “has been called off for today,” the ISRO posted on Twitter. But when the re-scheduled launch happens, you can watch it live on two YouTube channels, on Twitter, Facebook, or webcast on the ISRO’s web site. TechCrunch has also embedded a livestreaming…

Molecules pictured changing shape as they gain and lose electrons

When molecules gain even a small electric charge, their shapes and chemical properties shift. Now we’ve watched those changes in action for the first time Source:…

Interstellar iron isn’t missing, it’s just hiding in plain sight

Astrophysicists know that iron (chemical symbol: Fe) is one of the most abundant elements in the universe, after lightweight elements such as hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. Iron is most commonly found in gaseous form in stars such as the Sun, and in more condensed form in planets such as Earth. Source:…

What You Didn’t Know About the Apollo 11 Mission

“From JFK’s real motives to the Soviets’ secret plot to land on the Moon at the same time, a new behind-the-scenes view of an unlikely triumph 50 years ago,” writes schwit1 sharing a new article from Smithsonian magazine titled “What You Didn’t Know About the Apollo 11 Mission.” It’s an excerpt from the recently-released book ONE GIANT LEAP: The Impossible Mission…