Major changes coming over the horizon for the global space industry

The attention of the world has recently been captured by the return of Japan’s Hayabusa-2 asteroid mission, the activities of Elon Musk’s SpaceX venture, and China’s Chang’e 5 moon landing, yet a quiet revolution is taking place in the global space industry. This revolution started in the 2010s and its full impact on global space industry should be measured over the…

After 44 Years, China Becomes the Third Country To Return Moon Samples To Earth

Long-time Slashdot reader cusco writes:
In the first return of a lunar sample since the Soviets in 1976, the Chang’e 5 spacecraft landed Thursday in Inner Mongolia with 2 kilograms of material drilled from as much as two meters below the surface… On December 3, the ascent stage took off from the moon with the sample, docking with the orbiter three days…

China’s Chang’e 5 capsule lands on Earth with the 1st new moon samples in 44 years

China’s Chang’e 5 moon sample-return capsule landed in Inner Mongolia on Wednesday (Dec. 16), returning lunar rocks for the first time since 1976. Source:

Moon rocks in hand, China prepares for future moon missions

Following the successful return of moon rocks by its Chang’e 5 robotic probe, China is preparing for future missions that could set the stage for an eventual lunar base to host human explorers, a top space program official said Thursday. Source:…

NASA’s spacecraft spots China’s Chang’e 5 lander on the moon

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter captured an image of China’s Chang’e 5 lander on the moon just hours after its historic landing. Source:

China’s Chang’e 5 is bringing back the first moon rocks in 44 years

The Chinese Chang’e 5 mission has spent two days digging on the moon and is now ready to bring back samples of lunar soil and rocks for analysis Source:…