Come to know orange Arcturus in Boötes

Orange Arcturus is more evolved than our sun and has swollen up to a larger size. It’s less than 37 light-years away and appears as the brightest star north of the celestial equator. The Big Dipper can help you find it. Source:…

Research suggests that hibernation is a likely option to make deep space exploration a reality

Space travelers sleeping in hibernation chambers before continuing with their missions, whether to go on a trip to Jupiter or hunt down an extraterrestrial creature. The concept was first imagined in the 20th century before making its way to the big screen. Are these images getting hauntingly prophetic? Source:…

Blizzard Suspended Three College ‘Hearthstone’ Players For Pro-Hong Kong Protests

An anonymous reader quotes the Verge: Blizzard has suspended three college Hearthstone players for six months after they held up a sign that read “Free Hong Kong, Boycott Blizz” while participating in an official competition stream. The ban, which was first reported by VICE Games, comes just over a week after Blizzard suspended a professional Hearthstone player, Ng “Blitzchung” Wai Chung…

A new species of duck-billed dinosaur

Duck-billed dinosaurs – hadrosaurids – were common 80 million years ago. Now scientists have discovered a complete skull of a previously unknown species of hadrosaurid, which sported unusual skull and face features. Source:…

Zombie ants

Meet the parasitic fungi that take control of living insects. Source:…

Arcturus cuts through the galaxy’s disk

Arcturus isn’t moving solely within the flat disk of our Milky Way galaxy. It’s cutting perpendicularly through the disk. Millions of years from now, it’ll be lost from view, at least for those who are earthbound and looking with the eye alone. Source:…