On Older Versions of Android, Many Let’s Encrypt-Secured Sites May Stop Working in 2021

This year Let’s Encrypt announced that it’s issued a billion certificates, and it’s been estimated they’ve made certs for almost 30% of web domains. But Friday they posted that “The DST Root X3 root certificate that we relied on to get us off the ground is going to expire — on September 1, 2021. Fortunately, we’re ready to stand on our…

Should HTTPS Certificates Expire After Just 397 Days?

Google has made a proposal to the unofficial cert industry group that “would cut lifespan of SSL certificates from 825 days to 397 days,” reports ZDNet. No vote was held on the proposal; however, most browser vendors expressed their support for the new SSL certificate lifespan. On the other side, certificate authorities were not too happy, to say the least. In…