In Brazil’s Amazon a COVID-19 Resurgence Dashes Herd Immunity Hopes

Anthony Boadle, reporting for Reuters: […] In April and May, so many Manaus residents were dying from COVID-19 that its hospitals collapsed and cemeteries could not dig graves fast enough. The city never imposed a full lockdown. Non-essential businesses were closed but many simply ignored social distancing guidelines. Then in June, deaths unexpectedly plummeted. Public health experts wondered whether so many…

Secretive Surveillance Company Is Selling Cops Cameras Hidden In Gravestones

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: A surveillance vendor that works with U.S. government agencies, such as the FBI, DEA, and ICE, is marketing spying capabilities to local police departments, including cameras that are hidden inside a tombstone, a baby car seat, and a vacuum cleaner. The brochure highlights some of the capabilities on offer to law enforcement agencies,…

What Fossils Will Modern-Day Civilization Leave Behind?

sciencehabit writes: Millions of years from now, advanced humans — or perhaps visiting aliens — may dig up the remnants of today’s civilizations. What are they likely to find, and how will they interpret our relationship with the creatures around us? A new study reveals that archaeologists will need to rely on bones, not any of our former technology. “If you…

UK roadsides could become burial grounds as graveyards are filling up

Bodies could start to be buried alongside main roads in the UK, as graveyards and cemeteries are running out of room, suggests a former direct of public health Source:…

More on the Matter of Supernatural Monsters & Creatures

Well, in the wake of the publication of my 2-part article on the U.K.’s “Alien Big Cats” phenomenon, a number of people have contacted me asking something along the lines of: “Does this mean you think all creatures that fall under the banner of Cryptozoology are supernatural?” The answer to that question is “No, I… Read more » Source:…