Massive Electrical Failure Cuts Power To Nearly All Of Argentina On Election Day — and Uruguay

Iwastheone quotes the BBC: A massive electrical failure has left almost all of Argentina and Uruguay without power, according to a major Argentine electricity provider. Authorities say the cause of the blackout is still unclear. Argentine media said the power cut occurred shortly after 07:00 [03:00 PST, 11:00 BST], causing trains to be halted and failures with traffic signalling. It came…

How to see Jupiter’s moons

With Jupiter now at its closest to Earth, turn binoculars or a telescope on the giant planet for a glimpse of its 4 largest moons. Source:…

YouTube’s Crackdown on Violent Extremism Mistakenly Whacks Channels Fighting Violent Extremism

AmiMoJo shares an article by Cory Doctorow: Wednesday, Youtube announced that it would shut down, demonetize and otherwise punish channels that promoted violent extremism, “supremacy” and other forms of hateful expression; predictably enough, this crackdown has caught some of the world’s leading human rights campaigners, who publish Youtube channels full of examples of human rights abuses in order to document them…

NSF Greenlights $1.1 Million Remake of Microsoft’s 2016 ‘Code Trip’ PBS Show

theodp writes: It’s not just Hollywood that’s running out of new story ideas. Fueled by a $1.1 million NSF award, PBS stalwart Roadtrip Nation is casting Computer Science Roadtrip (apply by June 14, kids!), which will send three young adults interested in computer science on a road trip across the country in a green RV to meet inspiring professionals working with…

Senate Passes Bill Cracking Down On Robocalls

The Senate on Thursday passed a bill that aims to crack down on unwanted robocalls. “The legislation would impose stiffer fines of as much as $10,000 per call on robocallers who knowingly flout the rules on calls and would increase the statute of limitations to three years, up from one year,” reports CNN. “It also instructs the Federal Communications Commission to…

1st quarter moon is May 11-12

The 1st quarter moon comes on May 12 at 1:12 UTC. At European and American time zones, you’ll find it high up at sunset on May 10 and 11. It appears nearly or completely half-illuminated, like half a pie. Source:…

Trump denounces anti-Semitism one day after defending Charlottesville marchers


‘Boiling Point’ – San Francisco’s Wealthy Fighting to Keep the Homeless Away

Tyler Durden – Something has to give. Source:…

Claims of FBI Raid by “UFO Truther” Bob Lazar Confirmed, Investigator Says

A series of documents related to an FBI raid involving Bob Lazar, an alleged former employee at the famous Area 51, appear to confirm events which transpired during the filming of a recent documentary about the controversial scientist. Since the 1990s, Lazar has claimed to have once been employed at a high-security facility at Groom… Read more » Source:…

Astronomers Have Spotted the Universe’s First Molecule

Astronomers have detected the universe’s first molecule. “Helium hydride (HeH), a combination of helium and hydrogen, was spotted some 3000 light-years from Earth by an instrument aboard the airborne Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), a telescope built into a converted 747 jet that flies above the opaque parts of Earth’s atmosphere,” reports Science Magazine. The findings have been reported in…