Why the Swiss Still Love Cash

gollum123 shares a report from the BBC: Last month, the Swiss unveiled a smart new banknote to stash in their wallets. The purple 1,000 franc bill was the latest in the Swiss National Bank (SNB) series to undergo a revamp. But this revamp comes as other nations are phasing out their high-value notes and as cash usage declines in European nations,…

9 Hobbies as Alternative Methods to Boost Creativity and Health

Sofia Adamson – Study says certain ‘behavioral pursuits’ can lead to happiness, reduce boredom and stress, and even improve heart rate. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/17/9-hobbies-as-alternative-methods-to-boost-creativity-and-health/…

6 Ways to Use Your Smartphone More Wisely

Sofia Adamson – Instead of mindlessly staying glued to your screen, consider limiting the use of your smartphone to only these features and apps. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/17/6-ways-to-use-your-smartphone-more-wisely/…

Modern Monetary Theory, explained

A very detailed walkthrough of the big new left economic idea. Modern Monetary Theory is having a moment. The theory, in brief, argues that countries that issue their own currencies can never “run out of money” the way people or businesses can. But what was once an obscure “heterodox” branch of economics has now become… Continue reading Modern Monetary Theory, explained