High-Security Locks For Government and Banks Hacked By Researcher

pgmrdlm shares a report from Reuters: Hackers could crack open high-security electronic locks by monitoring their power, allowing thieves to steal cash in automated teller machines, narcotics in pharmacies and government secrets, according to research to be presented Friday at the annual Def Con hacking conference in Las Vegas. Mike Davis, a researcher with security firm IOActive, discovered the vulnerability last…

Amazon Delivery Drivers Part Of Theft Ring Selling ‘Millions’ in Stolen Goods on Amazon

An anonymous reader quotes the Associated Press: The two contract delivery drivers working for Amazon had a clear-cut assignment: They were supposed to bring packages from a warehouse south of Seattle to a post office for shipping, or sometimes drive to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to pick up items that were being returned to the company. Instead, the FBI said in a…

Just 10 Percent of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Cash ‘Could Pay For Green Transition,’ Report Says

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Switching just some of the huge subsidies supporting fossil fuels to renewables would unleash a runaway clean energy revolution, according to a new report, significantly cutting the carbon emissions that are driving the climate crisis. Coal, oil and gas get more than $370 billion a year in support, compared with $100 billion…

Americans Are Making Phone Farms To Scam Free Money From Advertisers

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: Netflix thought I was four different people. I was being paid through an app to watch its trailers over and over again, racking up digital points I could eventually trade for Amazon gift cards or real cash. But rather than just use my own phone, I bought four Android devices to churn through…

EFF Argues For ‘Empowerment, Not Censorship’ Online

An activism director and a legislative analyst at the EFF have co-authored an essay arguing that the key to children’s safetly online “is user empowerment, not censorship,” reporting on a recent hearing by the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary Commitee: While children do face problems online, some committee members seemed bent on using those problems as an excuse to censor the Internet and…

Smart Money Said ‘Skip Bitcoin, Bet on Blockchain.’ Not Any More

As cryptocurrency prices tumbled across the board last year, venture capitalists focused their attention on the promise of the underlying technology, the ledger known as blockchain. That, many said, was the smarter bet. Now, the tables have turned. From a report: While Bitcoin’s price has rebounded this year, a fresh batch of data shows the flow of cash into blockchain startups…

Amazon’s Most Ambitious Research Project Is a Convenience Store

Amazon has set up 14 Amazon Go stores in Chicago, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle. They do not have any cash registers so once customers have scanned a screen from a special app on their phone at the entrance, they just grab their items and walk out the door, while Amazon magically charges their credit card. By all accounts, the…

The ‘Vast Majority’ of America’s Voting Machines Use Windows 7 or Older Systems

Many of America’s voting machines are depending on an outdated Microsoft operating system, reports the Associated Press. “The vast majority of 10,000 election jurisdictions nationwide use Windows 7 or an older operating system to create ballots, program voting machines, tally votes and report counts.” That’s significant because Windows 7 reaches its “end of life” on Jan. 14, meaning Microsoft stops providing…

Imperial Research Warns of the Cost of Austerity for Public Health in Brazil

Reductions to government social support programs have costs, and they can be particularly severe for vulnerable populations. Budget cutbacks have been implemented as a solution to the recession that has gripped Brazil since 2015, but a study led by Dr. Thomas Hone of Imperial College of London indicates that these austerity measures could result in […]
The post Imperial Research Warns of…

Slashdot Asks: How Long Before Google Shuts Down Its Little — But Expensive — Pixel Smartphones Project?

After years of its on and off interest in smartphones, Google today produces some of the best phones on the planet. The Pixel 3 and the 3 XL take better pictures than most smartphones — certainly any phone that predates them. But the whole idea of Google making handsets — being also the company that maintains Android and has relationship with…