‘World’s Fastest Electrodes’ Triple the Density of Lithium Batteries

French company Nawa technologies says it’s already in production on a new electrode design that can radically boost the performance of existing and future battery chemistries, delivering up to 3x the energy density, 10x the power, vastly faster charging and battery lifespans up to five times as long. NewAtlas reports: Nawa is already known for its work in the ultracapacitor market,…

Silicon ‘Sandwiches’ Make For Lightweight, High-Capacity Batteries

A team at Clemson University has come up with a new design that overcomes some of the problems with incorporating silicon into lithium-ion batteries, “enabling them to demonstrate a lightweight and multipurpose device that could be used to power satellites and spacesuits,” reports New Atlas. From the report: Scientists have been investigating the potential of silicon in lithium-ion batteries for a…

MIT Unveils New ‘Blackest Black’ Material and Makes a Diamond Disappear

An anonymous reader shares a report: What do you do with a $2 million natural yellow diamond? If you’re at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, you coat it in a wild high-tech material that makes any object look like it fell into a black hole. The coated diamond is now a piece of art called The Redemption of Vanity, a collaboration…

MIT Unveils the World’s Most Advance Carbon Nanotube Chip

“A team of academics at MIT has unveiled the world’s most advanced chip yet that’s made from carbon nanotubes,” reports MIT’s Technology Review: Not only are nanotube transistors faster than silicon ones, studies have found that chips made from nanotubes could be up to ten times more energy efficient. This efficiency boost could significantly extend electronic gadgets’ battery life. Researchers have…