After the Riot, the US Capitol’s IT Staff Faces ‘a Security Mess’

After Wednesday’s invasion by protesters, America’s Capitol building is now grappling with “the process of securing the offices and digital systems after hundreds of people had unprecedented access to them,” writes Wired. Long-time Slashdot reader SonicSpike shares their report: Rioters could have bugged congressional offices, exfiltrated data from unlocked computers, or installed malware on exposed devices. In the rush to evacuate…

Trump Also Suspended from Snapchat and Twitch, Faces Content Restrictions on Pinterest and…TikTok?

Today MSN published an article listing “Every social media platform Donald Trump is banned from using (so far).” Some excerpts: – Trump was suspended from Snapchat amid the riots on January 6, a spokesperson confirmed to The Hill… – On January 7, Twitch, the Amazon-owned video live-streaming platform made popular by gamers, disabled Trump’s account indefinitely… – Though Trump does not…

Parler Booted Off Amazon’s AWS Hosting Service, Suspended by Apple

“Apple has suspended Parler until the makers of the app solve its content moderation challenges,” reports Forbes, citing a statement from Apple saying “there is no place on our platform for threats of violence and illegal activity. Parler has not taken adequate measures to address the proliferation of these threats…” Meanwhile, BuzzFeed News reports: Amazon notified Parler that it would be…

Journalists Scrutinize QAnon’s Role in Capitol Hill Mob — And Its Hosting Infrastructure

On Thursday Axios tried to assess QAnon’s role in the mob that stormed America’s Capitol building:
Adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory, who imagine a vast deep-state cabal of pedophiles arrayed against Trump, have for years insisted that a moment of reckoning for their enemies is imminent. QAnon believers have largely accepted that Trump is waiting for the right time to bring…

How Will America’s Investigators Identify Capitol Hill Protesters?

“Both local police and the FBI are seeking information about individuals who were ‘actively instigating violence’ in Washington, DC, on January 6,” writes Ars Technica. Then they speculate on which tools will be used to find them:
While media organizations took thousands of photos police can use, they also have more advanced technologies at their disposal to identify participants, following what several…

Twitter Permanently Bans Trump, While Reddit Bans r/donaldtrump Forum For Inciting Violence

U.S. President Donald Trump was “permanently suspended” from Twitter Friday afternoon. “After close review of recent Tweets from the account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” reads Twitter’s announcement. The announcement has since caused a new word to trend on Twitter: “Permanently.” Meanwhile, Reddit has banned r/donaldtrump…

Laptop Stolen From Pelosi’s Office During Storming of US Capitol, Says Aide

A laptop was stolen from the office of U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, one of her aides said on Friday. From a report: Drew Hammill, an aide to Democrat Pelosi, said on Twitter that the laptop belonged to a conference room and was used for presentations. He declined to offer…