Stem Careers in the Brexit Era

The UK’s exit from the EU has had a mixed effect on scientists’ assessment of their international mobility and future job market prospects, according to the 2020 STEM Survey Source:…

Supplies of the Hottest Smartphones Could Soon Run Out

As Chinese factories hit by the coronavirus look to restart production, the pain is only beginning for carriers that rely on steady shipments of Asian smartphones. From a report: AT&T is bracing for handset shortages across the U.S. A carrier in the U.K. and one in France are already dealing with supply disruption and could run out of some popular models,…

Nonprofit Argues Germany Can’t Ratify the ‘Unitary Patent’ Because of Brexit

Long-time Slashdot reader zoobab shares this update from the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure, a Munich-based non-profit opposing ratification of a “Unified Patent Court” by Germany. They argue such a court will “validate and expand software patents in Europe,” and they’ve come up with a novel argument to stop it. “Germany cannot ratify the current Unitary Patent due to Brexit…”

Brexit Happens

“The UK has officially left the European Union after 47 years of membership,” reports the BBC. The historic moment, which happened at 23:00 GMT, was marked by both celebrations and anti-Brexit protests. Candlelit vigils were held in Scotland, which voted to stay in the EU, while Brexiteers partied in London’s Parliament Square… Brexit parties were held in pubs and social clubs…

Getting Brexit done: Six huge science issues the UK must resolve

The UK is finally set to leave the European Union, but big questions on science, health and the environment remain Source:…

71-Year-Old William Gibson Explores ‘Existing Level of Weirdness’ For New Dystopian SciFi Novel

71-year-old science fiction author William Gibson coined the word “cyberspace” in his 1984 novel Neuromancer. 36 years later he’s back with an even more dystopian future in his new novel Agency. But in a surprisingly candid interview in the Daily Beast, Gibson says he prefers watching emerging new technologies first because “To use it is to be changed by it; you’re…

Exclusive: UK considering ambitious new climate plan soon after Brexit

The UK government is considering a new, more ambitious blueprint to reduce its carbon emissions after the country leaves the European Union at the end of the month Source:…

UK To Create Regulator To Police Big Tech Companies

The UK government will create a technology regulator next year to police companies such as Facebook and Google after Brexit, Financial Times reported Wednesday [may be paywalled], citing several people who were involved in the process. From the report: The regulator will be given powers to implement a range of new rules, including an enforceable code of conduct for the biggest…

Reddit Bans 61 Accounts, Citing ‘Coordinated’ Russian Campaign To Interfere In UK Vote

“The prospect of Russian interference in Britain’s election flared anew Saturday after the social media platform Reddit concluded that people from Russia leaked confidential British government documents on Brexit trade talks just days before the general U.K. vote,” reports the Associated Press: Reddit said in a statement that it has banned 61 accounts suspected of violating policies against vote manipulation. It…

General election 2019: Why you should think climate change not Brexit

Brexit may seem important right now, but whoever wins the election will be in charge halfway to 2030 – a crucial time in efforts to limit dangerous warming, says Jacob Aron Source:…