Elon Musk’s Dream of An Onion-Like Media Empire

“Elon Musk wanted The Onion; he got Thud,” reports the Verge, telling the wacky story of how Elon Musk gave $2 million to two former editors from the Onion to create “an ambitious, offbeat satire startup” that would focus on the real world instead of online, “with fake brands, fake products, and fake museum installations.” To Musk, satire is almost a…

Amazon is Poised To Unleash a Long-Feared Purge of Small Suppliers

Two months ago, Amazon halted orders from thousands of suppliers with no explanation. Panic ensued — until the orders quietly resumed weeks later, with Amazon suggesting the pause was part of a campaign to weed out counterfeit products. Suppliers breathed a sigh of relief. Now a larger, more permanent purge is coming that will upend the relationship between the world’s largest…

What If We Could Reuse The Packaging on Consumer Products?

“The shampoo bottle, the deodorant stick, razors and even your toothbrush — they all get thrown away when they’re empty or worn out. But if they were reusable — or refillable — just imagine how much waste could be avoided.” That’s how Bloomberg describes the new “Loop” initiative being tested for one year by the New Jersey recycling company TerraCycle: This…

Europe Sticks a Knife Into Vegan Meat

The European Union is trying to put vegetables back in their box. From a report: The trading bloc’s agriculture committee wants to ban vegan food products from using terms such as burger and sausage on their labels. The logic is that consumers expect their burgers to be made of pork or beef and will be duped by plant-based pretenders. More likely…

Why You Need to Add Digital Marketing Skills to Your Resume

There’s no doubt about it, technology has changed the way we communicate and receive information. And because of this change, businesses have had to adapt the ways they communicate with their customers. Today, consumers are in information overload and look to the Internet to receive information about their favorite brands and companies. As a result, over the past few years, companies…