Prehistoric baby bottles found in Bronze and Iron Age sites in Germany

Archaeologists have found traces of animal and human milk in 2500 to 3200-year-old spouted pottery drinking vessels, suggesting they were used to feed babies Source:…

All UK Airports To Install 3D Baggage Scanning Technology By 2022

“The UK government is requiring all major UK airports to introduce 3D baggage screening equipment before the end of 2022,” writes Slashdot reader Hammeh. The BBC reports:
Ministers say the technology will boost security, speed up pre-boarding checks, and could end the restrictions on travelling with liquids and laptops. The equipment, similar to CT scanners used in hospitals, is already being installed…

TSA Bans Star Wars Coke Bottles That Resemble Grenades

Tablizer shares a report from SFGate: Visitors to Disney’s new Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge attraction, can choose from more than 1,000 unique items to take home as souvenirs. But if they plan on flying home, they’ll have to leave at least one behind — a specially designed “thermal detonator” Coca-Cola bottle the company made especially for the new attraction. TSA has…

Microplastics found in Lake Tahoe

Research at one of the world’s clearest, cleanest lakes suggests the problem of microplastics is widespread in freshwater systems and not just in oceans. Source:…

‘Vast Quantities’ of Recycled Plastics Are Actually Burned Or Dumped In Landfills

“A Guardian investigation reveals that cities around the country are no longer recycling many types of plastic dropped into recycling bins. Instead, they are being landfilled, burned or stockpiled…” An anonymous reader shared this eye-opening report from the Guardian. “From Los Angeles to Florida to the Arizona desert, officials say, vast quantities of plastic are now no better than garbage…”
As municipalities…

Brooklyn-Based Artist Jason Isolini Is Hacking Google To Create Surreal Street View Art

An anonymous reader shares a report from Motherboard: Brooklyn-based artist Jason Isolini worked as a contractor for Google Maps, capturing 360-images inside businesses and uploading them. Now, instead of capturing true-to-live panorama images, Isolini is uploading surreal collages that subvert the purpose of Google Maps: to be a tool that brings users from their current location to a business. “Since August…

Lego Struggles To Find a Plant-Based Plastic That Clicks

Last year, it was reported that Lego was investing $120 million and hiring about 100 people to eliminate its dependence on petroleum-based plastics, and build its toys entirely from plant-based or recycled materials by 2030. The effort has been seven years in the making, “but it keeps hitting brick walls,” as The Wall Street Journal reports. From the report: Lego tried…

How to celebrate World Oceans Day 2019

World Oceans Day is Saturday, June 8. Celebrate! Plan or find an event. Participate on social media. Or … just go to the beach. Some ideas for participating here. Source:…