Tech Giants Are Giving China a Vital Edge In Espionage.

schwit1 shares a report: The embrace between China’s intelligence services and Chinese businesses has gotten tighter, U.S. officials say. In 2017, under Xi’s intensifying authoritarianism, Beijing promulgated a new national intelligence law that compels Chinese businesses to work with Chinese intelligence and security agencies whenever they are requested to do so — a move that codified “what was pretty much what…

New sunspot cycle could be among strongest on record

A study of oppositely charged magnetic field bands, moving in the sun’s northern and southern hemispheres, suggests the coming sunspot cycle – Cycle 25 – will be a particularly strong one. This result contradicts an earlier expert forecast, suggesting a weak Cycle 25. Source:…

Scientists predicted a large sunspot. Now it’s here

Last week, scientists from the National Solar Observatory predicted a large sunspot would emerge before Thanksgiving. Now the sunspot – AR2786 – is in view. Here’s how they did it. Source:…

We Finally Know What’s Been Making Fast Radio Bursts

Today, researchers are announcing they’ve solved one of the questions that’s been nagging them over the past decade: what exactly produces the weird phenomena known as fast radio bursts (FRBs)? From a report: As their name implies, FRBs involve a sudden blast of radio-frequency radiation that lasts just a few microseconds. We didn’t even know that FRBs existed until 2007 but…

Image: Space-borne human endothelial cell

A human endothelial cell that was flown to the International Space Station and returned to Earth for analysis is helping researchers keep astronauts healthy in space. Source:…

Nobel Prize in Medicine Awarded To Scientists Who Discovered Hepatitis C Virus

Raisey-raison writes: The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded jointly to Dr. Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice on Monday for the discovery of the hepatitis C virus, a breakthrough the Nobel committee said had “made possible blood tests and new medicines that have saved millions of lives.” “For the first time in history, the disease…

Lions Are Less Likely To Attack Cattle With Eyes Painted on Their Backsides

An anonymous reader shares a report: The predation of livestock by carnivores, and the retaliatory killing of carnivores as a result, is a major global conservation challenge. Such human-wildlife conflicts are a key driver of large carnivore declines and the costs of coexistence are often disproportionately borne by rural communities in the global south. While current approaches tend to focus on…

750 Million Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Approved For Release In Florida Keys

A plan to release over 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes into the Florida Keys in 2021 and 2022 received final approval from local authorities, against the objection of many local residents and a coalition of environmental advocacy groups. The proposal had already won state and federal approval. CNN reports: Approved by the Environment Protection Agency in May, the pilot project is…

Ask Slashdot: Could We Not Use DNS For a Certificate Revocation Mechanism?

Long-time Slashdot reader dhammabum writes: As reported in the recent slashdot story, starting in September we system admins will be forced into annually updating TLS certificates because of a decision by Apple, abetted by Google and Mozilla. Supposedly this measure somewhat rectifies the current ineffective certificate revocation list system by limiting the use of compromised certificates to one year… But in…

Space Perspective wants to take tourists on balloon rides to the stratosphere

Space Perspective aims to send paying customers and payloads to the stratosphere in its Spaceship Neptune, a balloon-borne capsule that’s scheduled to make its first test flights early next year. Source: