Glitch Causes Smart Meter Displays In England To Appear In Welsh Language

AmiMoJo shares a report from the BBC: Bulb smart energy users have reported their meter displays appearing in Welsh — even though they are not in Wales. Some of the energy firm’s customers said their displays were showing the text “defnydd heddiw,” meaning “usage today.” Fixing the problem involves navigating the menu, which also appears in Welsh. Bulb said the problem…

Scorpius? Here’s your constellation

The Scorpion in the sky and in mythology. Here’s everything you need to know. Source:…

Delta Airlines Begins Using Facial Recognition Scanners To Replace Boarding Passes

“Delta Air Lines announced it will give passengers who fly out of Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport the option to use facial recognition to board their flight instead of a standard boarding pass,” reported a CBS affiliate this week. The facial scanners will be installed this week at 16 gates, with availability on all international flights through Delta beginning in July. The…

Solstice sun near Taurus-Gemini border

On June 22, 2019, at around 3 UTC, the sun moves out of Taurus the Bull and into Gemini the Twins. Note that we’re talking about the boundaries of astronomical constellations – not astrological “signs” – of the zodiac. Source:…

These Are the Internet of Things Devices That Are Most Targeted By Hackers

ZDNet reports:
Internet-connected security cameras account for almost half of the Internet of Things devices that are compromised by hackers even as homes and businesses continue to add these and other connected devices to their networks. Research from cybersecurity company SAM Seamless Network found that security cameras represent 47 percent of vulnerable devices installed on home networks. According to the data, the…

We go between the sun and Jupiter June 10

Opposition on June 10 marks the middle of the best time of year to see Jupiter. The planet shines at its brightest best in Earth’s sky. It’s also out all night long, rising at sunset and setting at sunrise. Source:…

Coming Soon: The Google IT Support Professional Certificate in Portuguese

We’re excited to announce that the Google IT Support Professional Certificate will be made available in Portuguese later this year. Launched with a vision of equipping learners with critical skills for a career in IT support, the Google IT Support Professional Certificate has quickly become a highly sought-after credential on our platform. Over 70,000 learners […]
The post Coming Soon: The Google…

Clocks, gravity and the limits of relativity

A hundred years ago today, Einstein’s theory of gravity was first put to the test when Arthur Eddington observed light “bending” around the sun during a solar eclipse. A century later, scientists are still searching for the limits of the theory. Source:…