The human heart in space: What can we learn from mathematical modeling

Human spaceflight has been fascinating man for centuries, representing the intangible need to explore the unknown, challenge new frontiers, advance technology and push scientific boundaries further. A key aspect of long-term human spaceflight is the physiological response and consequent microgravity (0G) adaptation, which has all the features of accelerated aging involving almost every body system: muscle atrophy and bone loss, onset…

Can vitamin D supplements help protect against covid-19?

There is no definitive evidence that vitamin D protects against covid-19, but the case is growing – and most people should take a daily supplement anyway, for bone strength Source:…

‘Extremely Brilliant Source’ X-Rays Set To Revolutionize Science

Rose Pastore reporting via Gizmodo: A new way of producing powerful X-ray beams — the brightest on Earth — is now making it possible to create 3D images of matter at astounding resolutions. This “Extremely Brilliant Source” officially opened last month at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in France, and scientists are already using it to study the coronavirus behind covid-19….

Experimental drug boosts muscle and bone mass of mice in space

Being in space leads to muscle and bone loss, but an experimental drug given to mice on the International Space Station counteracted this effect. It could help people who are bedridden on Earth Source:…

First poison arrows may have been fired 70,000 years ago in Africa

Many ancient bone points are the same shape as poison-tipped arrowheads used today by San people in southern Africa, suggesting the practice is ancient Source:…

First poison arrows may have been loosed 70,000 years ago in Africa

Many ancient bone points are the same shape as poison-tipped arrowheads used today by San peoples in southern Africa, suggesting the practice is ancient Source:…

Tiny mammals once scavenged meat from giant dinosaur carcasses

The first mammals probably mostly ate insects, but bite marks on a bone fragment suggest they occasionally scavenged meat from giant dinosaur carcasses Source:…

Looted skulls and human remains are being sold in black markets on Facebook

A Live Science investigation unlocked a world inside private Facebook groups in which human remains are often sold with little information about their origins — raising questions about how they were acquired. Source:

15 Organic Homemade Plant Food For Your Homestead

You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive soil fertilizers. There are dozens of homemade plant food recipes and ingredients you can use to boost plant growth and improve soil health. RELATED: Homemade Fertilizer from Compost 15 Simple, Inexpensive Homemade Plant Food Recipes and Ingredients 1. Baking Soda-Ammonia Plant Food Need a quick…Continue Reading
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