Jeff Bezos: I Spend My Billions On Space Because We’re Destroying Earth

In an interview with Norah O’Donnell of “CBS Evening News,” Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos explained why he’s investing much of his Amazon fortune in the development of space technologies through his aerospace company Blue Origin. Why? “Because I think it’s important,” Bezos said. “I think it is important for this planet. I think it’s important for the dynamism of future generations….

Bezos Says Blue Origin Will One Day Refuel Its Lunar Lander With Ice From the Moon

Earlier this week, Amazon and Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos explained how its spacecraft will eventually be powered with fuel harvested from the moon. CNBC reports: “We know things about the moon now we didn’t know about during the Apollo days,” Bezos said, speaking at the JFK Space Summit in Boston, Massachusetts. One of the things learned since Apollo that Bezos…

Neal Stephenson Says Social Media Is Close To A ‘Doomsday Machine’

PC Magazine interviewed Neal Stephenson about his new upcoming book Fall; Or, Dodge in Hell, as well as “the digital afterlife, and why social media is a doomsday machine.” [Possible spoilers ahead]: The hybrid sci-fi/fantasy novel begins in the present day with Richard “Dodge” Forthrast, an eccentric multibillionaire who made his fortune in the video game industry. When a freak accident…

NASA Announces First Commercial Partner For A Space Station Orbiting The Moon

“NASA has chosen its first commercial partner for a proposed space station, known as the Lunar Gateway, to be built near the Moon,” reports Ars Technica: On Thursday, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said Maxar Technologies would build the first component of the Gateway — the power and propulsion element. Like the name suggests, it will provide electricity to the Gateway and…

A Rocket Built By Students Reached Space For the First Time

In the early morning of April 21, 10 students from the University of Southern California’s Rocket Propulsion Lab successfully launched a rocket above the Karman Line, the imaginary boundary that separates earth’s atmosphere and space. As Wired reports, this is the first time a collegiate rocket has made it to space. The team may have successfully accomplished this feat last September…

Jeff Bezos announces plans for delivery service to the moon by 2024

Space flight company Blue Origin unveiled a new lunar lander that the firm says will deliver scientific instruments, rovers and astronauts to the moon Source:…

Amazon’s Bezos unveils lunar lander project ‘Blue Moon’

Jeff Bezos, who heads both Amazon and space company Blue Origin, unveiled on Thursday a lunar lander that he said would be used to transport equipment, and possibly human beings, to the south pole of the Moon by 2024. Source:…