ECB’s Christine Lagarde Blasts Bitcoin’s Role In Facilitating Money Laundering

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde took aim at Bitcoin’s role in facilitating criminal activity, saying the cryptocurrency has been enabling “funny business.” “For those who had assumed that it might turn into a currency — terribly sorry, but this is an asset and it’s a highly speculative asset which has conducted some…

Ukraine Government Picks Stellar To Help Build National Digital Currency

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CoinDesk: Ukraine’s government has chosen the Stellar blockchain network as a platform to build a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Announced Monday, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to build out a “virtual assets ecosystem and national digital currency of Ukraine.” The…

Coinbase To Suspend Trading in XRP

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase said on Monday it would suspend trading in cryptocurrency XRP after U.S. regulators last week charged associated blockchain firm Ripple with conducting a $1.3 billion unregistered securities offering. From a report: The move by San Francisco-based Coinbase comes as the firm is preparing for a stock market listing and has confidentially applied with the U.S. Securities and Exchange…

How Sabelo applied lessons from online learning to found his own tech company in South Africa

Meet Sabelo, the co-founder and CEO of Tuse, a company based in South Africa that offers award-winning artificial intelligence, blockchain, and IoT solutions. Prior to his success with Tuse, Sabelo spent eight years as a self-taught developer. He eventually determined that he needed additional training if he was to achieve his goal of launching his […]
The post How Sabelo applied lessons…

Steve Wozniak Is Starting Another Company, 45 Years After Co-Founding Apple With Steve Jobs

45 years after co-founding Apple with Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak is starting a business in the green tech and blockchain space called Efforce. CNBC reports: Efforce, which has been in stealth mode for almost a year, is a marketplace for corporate or industrial buildering owners to have “green” projects funded. According to Efforce, “investors can participate in energy efficiency projects buy…

Ask Slashdot: Why Haven’t We Implemented Public Key Infrastructure Voting?

Long-time Slashdot reader t0qer has a question: why haven’t we gone to an open source, Public Key Infrastructure-based voting system? “I’m fairly well versed in PKI technology, and quoting this site, it would take traditional computers 300 trillion years to break RSA-2048 for a single vote.” has a pretty interesting piece on using Public Key Infrastructure in voting. There’s also a…

Discover how Joanne applies her learning from the IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate with her clients in the online education industry

Meet Joanne Roxburgh, a PhD student in technology-enhanced learning from the UK. Joanne had heard about the growing potential of artificial intelligence in her industry and wanted to learn more. She didn’t have a coding background, but as soon as she found the IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate on Coursera, she was able to start […]
The post Discover how Joanne applies…

Another Cryptocurrency Heist, This Time $2 Million Stolen from Akropolis

$2 million worth of Dai was stolen Thursday from the cryptocurrency borrowing/lending service Akropolis, reports ZDNet — after which the service’s admins paused all transactions. These attacks have been growing in numbers since early February this year, and one of the biggest flash loan attacks took place last month, in October, when hackers stole $24 million worth of cryptocurrency assets from…

Facebook Claims Its Proposed Payments Network is 7 Times Faster Than Visa’s

As work continues on Novi, Facebook’s digital wallet the company hopes will one day be used to access currencies in the blockchain-based payment system Libra, semblances of a framework have emerged from new research published in AFT ’20: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies. From a report: A paper coauthored by scientists at Facebook’s Novi division…

Brave Hits 20 Million Monthly Users a Year After 1.0 Release

One year after its first 1.0 release, Brave says it has hit the milestone of 20.5 million active monthly users. “At the same time last year, the browser had 8.7 million active monthly users, and of the 20 million monthly users, 7 million are daily users, which represents more than a doubling of last year’s 3 million,” reports ZDNet. “Brave added…