Observations unveil the properties of neutrino-emitting blazar’s jet

Using the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) technique, astronomers have probed the parsec-scale jet of a neutrino-emitting blazar known as TXS 0506+056. Results of the new study, presented May 1 on arXiv.org, shed more light on the properties of this jet, which could improve the understanding of very-high energy (VHE) neutrinos. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-05-unveil-properties-neutrino-emitting-blazar-jet.html…

Research investigates extreme blazar 2WHSP J073326.7+515354

In a new study published April 23 on arXiv.org, Spanish astronomers have reported on an extreme blazar known as 2WHSP J073326.7+515354. Results of the research reveal the distance to this source and provide essential information about the stellar population of its host galaxy. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-05-extreme-blazar-2whsp-j0733267515354.html…