Year’s closest new supermoon August 30

Today – August 30, 2019 – presents the closest new moon of the year, exactly a fortnight (about 2 weeks) before the year’s farthest and smallest full moon on September 14, 2019. Source:…

Black moon event bridges fiction, mythology and science

For those looking up at the sky tonight in North America, you may notice something missing—the moon! That’s because July 31 marks a lunar event called the “black moon” which is the second new moon that happens in one calendar month. A new moon is the phase of the moon where it’s invisible, with the lit portion of the moon facing…

Black Moon supermoon on July 31

Don’t listen to people who tell you that supermoons are hype. Supermoons aren’t hype; they’re folklore, like Blue Moons or Black Moons or the beloved Harvest Moons. Source:…