Why on Earth Is Someone Stealing Unpublished Book Manuscripts?

A phishing scam with unclear motive or payoff is targeting authors, agents and editors big and small, baffling the publishing industry. From a report: Earlier this month, the book industry website Publishers Marketplace announced that Little, Brown would be publishing “Re-Entry,” a novel by James Hannaham about a transgender woman paroled from a men’s prison. The book would be edited by…

AI Company Leaks Over 2.5 Million Medical Records

Secure Thoughts reports that artificial intelligence company Cense AI, which specializes in “SaaS-based intelligent process automation management solutions,” has leaked nearly 2.6 million medical records on the internet. PCMag reports: [O]n July 7 security researcher Jeremiah Fowler discovered two folders of medical records available for anyone to access on the internet. The data was labeled as “staging data.” Fowler believes the…

‘Guilty’ Verdict for Russian Who Stole 117M Dropbox and LinkedIn Login Codes in 2012

In 2012 “Russian hacker” Yevgeniy Nikulin breached the internal networks of LinkedIn, Dropbox, and Formspring, and then sold their user databases on the black market, reports ZDNet. (He stole 117 million login codes, according to Bloomberg.) Nikulin was arrested in 2016 (while on vacation in the Czech Republic), and after an extradition battle spent years in U.S. prisons while awaiting his…

1.2 Billion Records Found Exposed Online in a Single Server

JustAnotherOldGuy writes: For well over a decade, identity thieves, phishers, and other online scammers have created a black market of stolen and aggregated consumer data that they used to break into people’s accounts, steal their money, or impersonate them. In October, dark web researcher Vinny Troia found one such trove sitting exposed and easily accessible on an unsecured server, comprising 4…