Coming Full Circle: From IBM Data Science Professional Certificate to IBM Internship

Sarah is a senior at Louisiana State University who knew she wanted to find her way from food service into a data science career. In her words, she shares how she gained hands-on experience that fast-tracked her path into data science in less than 6 months. When I started the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate, […]
The post Coming Full Circle: From…

A New Species of Leech Is Discovered Near Washington, D.C.

schwit1 shares a report from Smithsonian: In the summer of 2015, when Smithsonian research zoologist Anna Phillips and other scientists were standing in slow-moving swamp water, letting leeches latch onto their bare legs or gathering them up in nets from muddy pond bottoms, they didn’t realize that some of the bloodsuckers they’d collected belonged to an entirely new species. But in…

28% of Delivery Drivers Have Tasted Your Food, Survey Finds

One of America’s top foodservice distributor’s recently surveyed 1,518 customers of food-delivery services — and then also surveyed 500 delivery drivers. Restaurant Business magazine shares one surprising result: About 21% of delivery customers worry the driver may have nibbled their order en route — and with good reason, according to a new study of delivery gripes. Some 28% of drivers say…

We Asked, You Answered: The Top 10 Learning Hacks from edX Learners

We took to social media to ask edX learners to share their best learning hacks: tried and true ways to make the most of their learning and studying experience. Keep reading for the top 10 trends we picked up from their responses. 1) Bite-sized learning A popular learning hack was breaking large concepts down into smaller, more digestible pieces. When faced with…