Virgo? Here’s your constellation

The constellation Virgo the Maiden fully returns to the early evening sky – with her feet planted on the eastern horizon – in early May. Source:…

Happy Buddha Purnima on May 7

Buddha Purnima – Buddha’s birthday – is celebrated on a full moon day in the month of Vaisakh (April/May) according to the Hindu calendar. Source:…

Hubble celebrates 30th birthday with new image

The Hubble Space Telescope is often regarded to be one of the most important scientific tools ever built. Well known for its breathtaking snaps of dis… Source:…

April 3 is John Burroughs’ birthday

John Burroughs – born in 1837 – was one of the 1st nature writers. He said: “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.” Source:…

Dutch Museum Says Van Gogh Painting Stolen In Overnight Raid

The Singer Laren museum in Laren, east of Amsterdam, says thieves have made off with a prize Vincent van Gogh painting while the institution was closed to the public. artnet News reports: The break-in at the museum happened in the early hours of Monday morning, at around 3:15 a.m. The thieves smashed a large glass door at the front of the…

Nintendo is Making 3D Mario Remasters For His 35th Anniversary

The Super Mario series is turning 35 this year, and Nintendo has big plans for the plumber’s birthday. From a report: That includes updating and bringing back most of his games for Nintendo Switch, according to a report from Video Games Chronicle. Eurogamer is backing up that report, and GamesBeat can as well. The core of the report is that Nintendo…

Cancer? Here’s your constellation

Here’s how to find the constellation Cancer in your sky. Plus Cancer’s place in sky history, lore and science. Source:…

Happy birthday, Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin was a Russian pilot who became the first human to travel to space, in 1961. His story … plus links to a Yuri’s Night celebration near you. Source:…

Gemini? Here’s your constellation

The constellation Gemini, with its two brightest stars, Castor and Pollux, shines prominently in winter and spring night skies of the Northern Hemisphere. Source:…

Happy birthday, Nicolaus Copernicus

In 1543, Copernicus tried to show the world that medieval beliefs of an enclosed, Earth-centered universe were wrong. Instead, he said, Earth revolves around the sun. His work set off what’s known today as the Copernican Revolution. Source:…